I was dedicated enough, or stupid enough, to buy the Ghost Edition of Destiny when it came out. I played the beta, and was in love with the game from the very begging. I have consistently played this game from launch, knowing that all of it's issues would be solved with time. It slowly has become what is one of my favorite games in existence. However, despite my dedication and willingness to show faith in their game by buying the Ghost Edition, I have found myself shunned and ignored along with everyone else who has played the game from launch by the announcement of the new Collector's Edition. Though it doesn't have a replica ghost, it does seem to have more items that are worth money. Sure that's not all that bad to begin with. These things happen. Unfortunately there is one major issue. THE THING IS ONLY $80!!!!
They are literally rewarding new players for ignoring their game up to this point, and are giving everyone who's stuck with it since launch the cold shoulder. I honestly wouldn't care if it was at least close to the $150 that the Ghost Edition cost. Instead they get both more content and more stuff for almost half the price!
Bump if you agree that this is wrong and shouldn't be tollerated
EDIT: A lot of people seem to be assuming that I am ignorant of the fact that Bungie/Activision are companies and that they need to make money. I am fully aware of this. This isn't them making money out of duty or making money for having a great product. This is making money by way of bullshit, which is best dealt with by showing said company that we as a community will not tolerate said bullshit. Best way to assure that they see this is to be vocal about our opinions on their bullshit. How else would anything improve?
Also, I apologize if it seems like I'm blatantly disagreeing with people, but I feel strongly about this, and I want a good discussion about this topic, not the normal yes/no forum post
EDIT: When I say Bungie, I really mean Activision+Bungie as I'm certain it's a combination of both of them, and that its mostly being pushed by Activision. Sorry for the confusion
I agree with you. They really are rewarding new players more than the old one. Very disappoimted.