Buy some fleece my man
Give it back lol
Put it in the bank.
Invest in a company, wait a few years, get about *drumroll* 7 dollars back and get me and you a pack of Monster :3
Buy a third of a gallon of gas.
I don't want to self bump. So I will tell you all a story. (This story is not real) So basically I was hanging out with my best friend Max. We decided to go to his place after school. His family is super ric and his dad makes these sick inventions. Well one day his dad was in his workshop working on a time machine. He told me and Max not to even think about touching it. Of course being stupid teens we sneak in when his pops is using the can. We just wanted to look inside. Max's shoes are untied cause he thinks that looks cool. Well he trips on his shoe strings and falls on me. We both fall forward and my hand conveniently touches a button. The time machine starts, and we flash backward 1 day. I notice cause that very morning I was making a story on bungie about how I went back in time.
I would take that dollar to the nearest vending machine and get us two sodas. Cheers!
Not take it. I don't take money from other people. Also I don't like carrying change
Refuse it. I don't take handouts
But two dollars
Buy a penny
Invest it and get rich, then donate to charities and pay off mortgages and student loans and other debts...
[i]Hmm[/i] Get a swisher and put one in the air.
Chill out grandma
Edited by NIIB uP North: 7/25/2015 3:59:54 PMSay thanks and buy a homeless guy a soda.
Go to a dollar store and live like a king
Say thank you and save it
Send the world into anarchy.
Edited by Sleepy: 7/25/2015 1:50:18 PMA guide of what to do with the coin: Step 1)[spoiler]Receive coin[/spoiler]Step 2)[spoiler]Open OP's butthole[/spoiler]Step 3)[spoiler]Insert coin into OP's butthole[/spoiler]
Yell at you because I need euros
Return it to you
Thank you and put in my pocket.
Make it into a paper plane and amuse myself for a short while.
Slowly invest that dollar into penny stocks...
Burn it in front of a homeless man
Thanks, I'm going to save these