So I haven't had my Gally for too long, but I've come to realize there are MANY occasions where my rocket will explode in my face.
Now before we get on the trampoline and jump to conclusions, I'm not saying there was a simple reason for this.
Many a time I'd launch a rocket with no obstructions, enemies, walls etc. it just acted like a self destruct button.
Have you had this happen before? Leave it in the comments so we can hopefully get this bug squashed!
Not a bug. GHorn and Truth rockets have a built in proximity-denotation perk. So if you fire too close to a wall or other structure....or even too close to an enemy (that doesn't have to be in front of you) the rocket will detonate. So you just have to make sure that you have clear path to yoru intended target...and one that will give other enemies a wide berth before you pull the trigger. It's (for me) less of an issue with Ghorn that it is with Truth. Truths' tracking and detonation systems are so sensitive that I've blown myself up with it several times.