Nice KD [spoiler]you suck ass.[/spoiler]
Lol what are you trying to prove?
That you're not "gud" so you can't tell someone to "git gud"
I already commented below, but I'll say it again. I don't need your approval and I don't play for my kd. So you're just wasting your time.
Didn't say you needed my approval? Did I? It's just extremely hypocritical.
No, it's not, because I'm not a scrub.
Go 9-0 then you can say you're not a scrub.
Check my hunter
You sound like an elitist. How mean to a 11 year old. Hate on this, go ahead. Anyone with a brain would agree with me.
It's the Internet of you take this seriously then GTFO!
Shut up.
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Nice K/D Scrub. git gud.
Nice level 30.
Barely play it.
Lol its lvl. 30 But still a better K / D
Sorry I don't live for my kd. I didn't know I needed your approval.
Lol best reply ever.
Well you do, so step in line.
Since when?
Lol good one
😆 figured if you could dish it out, you could take it.
U seem like the kind of person to kick someone before getting rewards