[quote]Why? We're they not exactly what you were expecting?[/quote] Nah, they just don't look exciting. The trailer for TTK wasn't exactly thrilling either. It was like 4mins of gaurdians jumping, shooting, reloading, and using the specials. Try watching the trailer for it without sounding. It's actually really boring. Ha Ha I'm just not excited for any of the new sub classes, I only use hunters so I would be getting the bow. I like that I'll have a void class, but I'm not too crazy about the whole bow and arrow thing. Just seems kind of... cheesy I guess.
I understand your point very well on the trailer, then again, won't everything sound and look weird without sound? I once saw Avengers without sound.... didn't get pass 10 minutes. When it comes to the new Hunter subclass I'm all in it! I've been a hunter since day 1 and as a lover of old school weapons when I saw that part on the Sony E3 conference I screamed like a little girl. Yes it's weird to use bow and arrows on a technology advance society but I guess the super lives up to the Class name, Hunters.
[quote]I understand your point very well on the trailer, then again, won't everything sound and look weird without sound? I once saw Avengers without sound.... didn't get pass 10 minutes. When it comes to the new Hunter subclass I'm all in it! I've been a hunter since day 1 and as a lover of old school weapons when I saw that part on the Sony E3 conference I screamed like a little girl. Yes it's weird to use bow and arrows on a technology advance society but I guess the super lives up to the Class name, Hunters.[/quote] I would think bladedancer would be more of a hunter thing since when you think hunter you think bowie knife or something along those lines
That's true but if the enemy is strong and powerful, aka bosses, a knife might not be the smartest choice. I believe this is one of the thoughts behind such design.