Help me decide guys, I've got one more etheric light and I loves my murmur.
Only fusions I kept besides exotic are a Light/Beware and Perun's Fire with rangefinder and hidden hand for PvP.
I've gotten good use out of mine - probably only going to ascend 1 (not priority for me) and part out the other 2 since it seems shottys have eclipsed fusions for now. I have/had a couple other fusions that are better but tbh have always found Murmur to be good enough to do what I want a fusion to do and swapping elements can save a space - just need a decent void and you are set
Delete that shit
If its your play style go with it, I'm keeping mine
Better to ascend any shotgun in my opinion. Fusion rifles are only good for the bounties, and I rarely even take them.
I have dismantled everyone I have gotten. Never even bother to try it
Etheric light is better spent on: Making a nice stack in your vault to look pretty, lets face it murmur's gimmick of having 2 elements stopped being relevant when shotguns got buffed, 1 arc and 1 solar shotgun will out perform murmur in basically every situation, not to mention its only 1 more space, which if you dismantled murmur would be taking up the same amount of space as a murmur with a good shotgun to actually kill stuff with.
I'll eventually ascend it. It's quite useful due to its versatility. I'll do all of my shotguns and snipers first because I use those more often though.
I ascended this because I have Etheric light to spare but I think its a good gun. How many time have you hear people say "this is a great gun but too bad its exotic cuz i dont wanna fill up my exotic slot (Gjallarhorn)" This is that gun. It has a unique perk that is not available on any other gun and it does not take up your exotic slot because its legendary. Dont get me wrong I havent used it once since I ascended it, but thats not what the post asked. Is it worth ascending? Absolutely IMO.
Edited by DangerMouseRoFl: 6/23/2015 4:09:16 AMWhat would you prefer: - One fusion rifle that is good but isn't too versatile - An exotic that is good but still isn't too versatile - One fusion rifle that is lower than good but switches between two damage types, making it very versatile When I upgrade my armour and legendary that I want, Murmur will be next on the list. The solar/arc combo is awesome.
If I had any etheric light (haven't seen any yet) I would ascend it. It's my favorite gun, next to Universal Remote. BTW what does ascending do exactly. My Murmur is maxed at 331- does ascending make it more powerful or something?
save it for a sniper or shotgun. you need a fusion rifle? just use an exotic.
Fusion rifles are not in a good place right now at all. If you really want one though than Murmur is the way to go. That element choice is very useful.
When fusion rifles were good...
I don't use any fusions since 1.1.1. I only pve though. Maybe they're good in pvp? Nawwwww Use that etheric light on a good shotgun, F fusions
no no no use it in any other fusion as long as it has high impact , stability or faster charge rate
I voted no. But if you like using your murmur then go for it!
I loved it for a long time. I would ascend all raid weapons first
If you love and use the gun right now, then do it. Etheric light will become less rare/ unique as time goes by so you might as well if you're still using it.
Only ascend armor and guns your gonna use. Bungie planning on replacing most legendaries (even raids) with better ones in TTK and beyond.
Fatebringer. If you've already ascended one, ascend another one. And after that one? Go get another one and put all your light inside of it. Rinse and repeat until your vault is filled with 365 Fatebringers and all primary inventory slots on all of your characters are filled with the same.
Lololol that gun is such trash I dismantled all three of them
Edited by itsYell: 6/20/2015 4:38:14 PMI forgot that Murmur was even a weapon lol. Definitely ascend another weapon if possible.
Worth ascending just for the versitility of it, but certainly not top of the list.
Edited by ill nino nl: 6/20/2015 4:32:25 PMPerun's Fire!