Wait titans have families?!?! I thought they where all orphans. [spoiler]because nobody wants them[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Hunters master race[/spoiler]
[spoiler]#satire for the first spoiler by serious for the second and third one.[/spoiler]
And yet whose there when you scream I NEED A DAMN BUBBLE AND BOOM Titans pop one because truth be told your subclasses are useless
I never need a bubble. There is no mission that requires a bubble. Bubbles are for people who die a lot. I am amazed that warlocks don't have bubbles either. Just let me know when you need a revive.
And let the warlocks know when you die were the last one standing and let the Titans know when you need weapons of light
Never and never because... [spoiler]#huntersmasterrace[/spoiler]
Yet your thread died pretty quickly I wonder why the Titan thread is still going oh I know because [spoiler]#titanmasterrace[/spoiler]
Titans are not a race. Titans are a bunch of idiots that hang out together in a large group of stuck up no-brainers. Like baseball players but stupider. That is why your thread exist.
Someone needs better grammar
Bro auto-incorrect said it was right. You have to trust the system in order to beat it.
Lol I just blink out of the way.
*Superman FoH into hunter*
I still blink out of the way. Man titans are stupid.
*shoulder charges hunter just after he blinks* *#rektshunter
Or I just shotgun you before you get to me. #huntersmasterrace
*WoD St. 14 Armor of light shotguns hunter to death* #TITANMASTERCLASS
You were a striker and just used your super. Plus I would just arc blade and razors edge you to death or just leave you to sit in your bubble. #titandumbestclass
#comeback *shoves hunters face into hunter-proof some and it leaves a burn*
That sentence made no sense. More proof that...[spoiler]#titansarestupid[/spoiler]
I thought hunters had too tiny of brains to understand anything else?
Wrong. Believe it or not, hunters tend to be smarter than warlocks IRL.
Also unbiased, people who main hunters tend to be really good warlocks and I'm not sure about titans.
Titans too.