I made a thread yesterday on the increasing difficulty of Trials, and most other people seem to also notice: the weaker players are giving up on trials every week, as some of you compared it to natural selection. Either way, it's clear that less people are playing Trials, and for me, it takes longer to find a game now during peak hours than it was to find one at like 4 in the morning on the first week or two.
Now, I'm pretty sure Bungie put up the rules and mechanics of Trials when it was released, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I could've sworn they said you would not face the same team twice (much less back to back). Well yesterday, I faced two teams twice back to back, and managed to get put against my clanmates.
My first game was against an average team. We weren't warmed up and came back from 0-3. The next game, I went to check enemy weapons and was surprised to see the same team again. We 5-0'd them and moved on. The next game, we were overconfident and fought a really good team, getting destroyed 1-5. The next game, we got put against them again and put up a better fight, but still lost 4-5.
That first team messaged us calling us hackers because we played them twice in a row, but I was just confused as they were. After a break at the reef, the other 3 members of my clan who split off to do trials joined my party chat because we popped up at the same reef. After we went back to orbit and they were still in chat, one of them said "we should start up at the same time to see if we get matched against each other."
We had done tried this plenty of times in the past, and he even said it jokingly because we knew it would never happen, nor would we really want it to happen since half of our clan would surely have to suffer a loss. And you probably saw it coming, but yep, we got paired against each other. After a few minutes of dancing together, I decided to let the other guys have the win since they had already used their mercy.
Being on Xbox 360 might have something to do with it, but has anyone else been paired against a repeat team? Or even bac to back like I had it?
It doesn't rematch you deliberately, it just searches for teams with similar latency in connection, and kicks both teams into matchmaking afterwards.
Less people are playing Trials because many of us don't care enough to put up with the rampant cheating. Games are for fun - if it's not fun you do something else.
Yes. I play on xb1 and we were paired to the same team twice in a row. 3 times so far.