You should probably re-evaluate yourself if you are
01.01.2013 6:39 PM PDT
Levels of shitpostage: Shit (Your level of shit)> Shitposts Shitfest The shit awards Shitstorm Shit o'cane Shitwave Shitsplosion Shit-4 explosive Shit-tsunami Shithail Tactical shit Shitsatastrophe Shitpedemic Shit-vortex Shitcyclone The Shit theory Shitmageddon The shit-era The Shitcasters awakening Shitnova The Shitsummoner's return The shitlords calling The shitgods are upon us Antishit condensers Light conshitter Life conshitter What has happened... It's all shit now...
[quote]You should probably re-evaluate yourself if you are 01.01.2013 6:39 PM PDT[/quote]
Actually I was playing Reach in 2013, over the summer I grinded all the way up from like Lt Colonel or something to General to get the Security helmet and never touched the game again.
Not sure what that is OP.
Haha, it was 2 AM and I was playing it the other day. First match was some god awful forge map like half the -blam!-ing game and the entire enemy team seemed to think the optimal strategy was to use jet packs and fly so high getting head shots or even aiming at that angle is impossible.
I guess someone is still stuck in the past. It is 2015 kid.
adapt kid