So you are new here? Want to know how to make a popular post, get recognized by the community? Fear no further. Here are three simple steps sure to make your post trending. Here is what you hot to do.
1. Make a title that insults someone, states something, or asks a question. For example: -bungie has fallen low to me,
-Hunters are useless,
-warlocks are all casuals,
-titans are all cowards.
-If bungie does not [u]insert action here[/u] then I'm leaving,
-I'm done with destiny,
-when is bungie going to nerf [u]insert gun name here[/u]
-when is bungie going to buff [u]insert gun name here[/u]
- if you don't [u]insert action here[/u] you suck
- I earned my [u]insert item here[/u]
2. Talk about something controversial. For example:
-warlocks are better than hunters
-hunters are better than warlocks
-titans are the best class
- [u]insert opinion here[/u]
- looking for [u]insert religion here[/u] only group to play
- gay people suck at this game
- straight people suck at this game
- if you play video games you have no life
- bungie sucks
- bungie is awesome
3. Now all you have to do is reply to people that comment on your post, saying:
- get good scrub
- I don't care
- you have no life
- you are a virgin
- you suck
- you are just a troll
- why so much hate?
- these forums suck
- I don't have time to explain, why I don't have time to explain
Edit: Some added stuff thanks to repliers
[quote]4. Keep self bumping until people reply[/quote]
And presto you got yourself a popular post, sure to have at least ten comments.