The nerve center for the Ignus in this region.
We take it out, and we can reclaim so footholds.
*erases X*
But these reports... The patrols are haphazard.
Random. I don't see a common starting point for them.
He studied the map "I'm not sure if the Ignus base their patrols around one stationary mind. At least, not on such a small scale."
You know how they operate? *hands pencil* Show me how the patrols correlate.
"I honestly have almost no idea, but from our fight with Primordial Lucifer on Exalin we can assume that they protect certain figures, and places, such as temples."
Temples, Eh? *reads over reports* We did find an odd structure a while back... *puts down X on map* But a patrol came in before we could enter. Could that be it?