Just like the title says, we live in the tower yet I seem to have misplaced my Apartment/Room/Dwelling.
Im just saying it would be a neat little feature to have. A private area within Destiny to call my own. Nothing too grand, something [b]cozy[/b]. Heres what the Guardians room should have;
1. [b]Amenities[/b]: Kitchenette, Bathroom (just for the appearance of functionality i dont need or want a bathroom emote) bedroom. Shit the whole place could be a studio type deal.
2. [b]Vault access[/b]
3a.[b] Ability to decorate[/b] (nothing elaborate, just like, simple things like wall hangings and maybe furniture)
3b. [b]mount weapons on the wall[/b] i know i have plenty of lower lvl weapons that have served me well and are just sitting in my vault
4. [b]Storage[/b]: Like for gear, display it, or store it in a closet or something
5. [b]Trophies[/b]: Items you find during your adventures that you can mount on a wall or set on the kitchen counter
6a. Eva could possibly be the gal to go to for furnishings or she could have a new assistant or Tess could do it or someone new entirely
6b. [b]furnishings[/b] nothing too crazy cozy stuff like bed color, curtains, rugs etc
7. [b]The view[/b]: a breathtaking view overlooking the city or the mountains behind the tower or something or maybe a dwelling the city, with a new vender area in the city
8.[b] NO REEF OPTION[/b] pretty sure the awoken wouldnt like it
9. [b]it could be its own separate add-on or included in an update/patch[/b]
10. Maybe Ghost could float around the apartment when were in it.
11. [b]personal terminal[/b] this is where you would take decor items and such and place them in slots similar to the gear management system, also access grimoire... And Cinematics (once the associated level is beaten of course)
12. [b]Access[/b] I don't know pick a door say its an elevator, or stairs. Or something then like the player walks up holds the interact button and their Guardian walks in and is put in their own instance where we next see or guardian walking inside to our home. Or something
I wouldn't mind this at all. I would easily shell out $5-$20 for this.
Thoughts Guardians? Do you want? Do you like?
If you like this idea share the link!
Maybe a tv and a computer system so you could sit in your house whilst playing a game whilst sitting in your house whilst playing a game.