This is not a place for dragons, furries, otherkin, ect.
If you want to role play, do it In a role play thread. And not on every other topic, seeking attention.
Wow, you really hate me.
Pls don't tell me there is an actual otherkin forum.
I like Darksoul. He makes things slightly more interesting. You're just jealous he's getting more attention than you, ain't ya?
I'm pineapple-kin.
Mute them. Holy shit is it complicated to you? You are basically just doing these posts for attention now.
Camfour pls
Says the person drooling over Drakus I'll keep my happy fox life
Edited by Drakus Darksoul: 6/23/2015 3:00:18 AMWow. Camfour is going to town m8
Thanks for the dragon pr0n I know that it's you
But I'm a real Dovahkin. The man with the beard said so.
Eh...more tolerable than the old MLP fad. Any Bronies still lingering?
I'm androidkin, and today someone I was watching on YouTube jokingly addressed "his android viewers." I know he didn't actually say it with otherkin in mind, but it just took me by surprise and made me feel warm and accepted.
I didn't think I was dollkin but then I dipped my hand in wax (the kind that's supposed to make your skin soft) and it made my hand look fake and it just felt really weird so I think I might be... I dunno...
The otherkin forums should be a thing now that I think about it...
I'm a Catkin, and I want to wear prosthetic whiskers, but I'm worried they'll get in the way.
I'd been thinking for a while about how I identify myself, and after a trip to Mexico, I realized that on all levels except physical I am Mexican. I've always been a good runner and jumper, and I feel more natural speaking with a Mexican accent than an American one, but I've never really considered what it could mean until now. I told my parents and they said that they had had their suspicions about who I really was ever since that night when I ate 4 plates of tacos in an hour. They will accept who I am, and I hope you will too. #checkyourpriveledge
I don't think you realize that bringing attention to him is doing anything except making him more well-known. Yes, he posts dragon pictures often. It's just as gimmicky as other things people do for attention. Hell, most of the pictures are pretty neat. Dragons are awesome, after all.
I'm polykin and I hate how we are looked down upon in the community. Someone can have multiple kin types, you should accept them just as you would any other kin. This community should be accepting and safe, not vicious and judging.
Do people not find the couch funny?
So glad I avoid these forums now.
How dare you! I sexually identify as a Zionist Pangendered Zombie Chinchillia. Your post is the most oppressive and offensive I've seen all day. *hops off to roll in sand and eat brains*
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