I have no problem with kids as long as they aren't annoying. Personally I'm 16 but my voice is on more on a "feminine" side. That may be because I'm gay or at least that's what people say because I'm really open about it. I honestly don't care and I really don't talk much because I have really bad social anxiety and people are usually like oh ok that's fine but talk sometimes. I find most of the time the ones who usually don't like children are either A. Older and want to talk about things they understand or B. 12-14 year olds who have a deep voice and think they are cool or something stupid. That's just what I think, well that or it's just because sometimes kids can be really annoying sometimes. Trust me I've ran into 14-22 year old people who act more like children than actually children. It really matters about how mature you are, not necessarily your age.
Oh and you seem like a nice guy I play on PS4 and maybe we should meet up some time in Destiny
Yeah dude you seem cool too! I play Xbox mostly but I have a PS4 but my destiny character is only like level 28 because I don't have many friends on there. My PSN is NuclearKarma459
Ok I'll send a friend request tonight my PSN is skip2435
I know exactly how you feel. I've talked with people in the 20-25 age range who act like younger kids and I've seen kids as young as 12 as mature as people in the 18-25 age range. I'm a little anti social in person so a lot of my social life is online so I can be pretty talkative doing raids and trials of Osiris even going as far as to lead trials teams. The only thing I do that annoys my friends is when they joke around and say something and I'm afraid I'll annoy them so I mute my mic for a few minutes. I don't mind if anyone's gay or lesbian and the only thing that annoys me is when anyone who's homosexual tries to flirt with me.
Yeah I've had some gay guys hit on me before and I'm like I don't even know you. I kind of understand how you feel except I'm gay well bi but it still freaks me out. Considering I only know them on Xbox or whatever.
Well I'm somewhat bi myself. More or less I don't really care who I end up with as long as I'm happy but I agree it's pointless to flirt online if you don't know the person and if anything getting random friend requests from them seems more like stalking