I don't click on links
But links bring you on crazy adventures. Like answering "surprise me" in these situations: [spoiler]When a tattoo artist asks "what ya want?" When at a foreign restaurant and the waiter/waitress asks for your order. Or when the person interviewing you for a "adult films" opportunity asks you what "films" you prefer to participate in. [/spoiler]
Oh gawd lmao
It's true though. No denying it.
*denies it anyway*
Well, deny this fact as much as you will... It won't, however, stand any less true.
*denies moar*
Well that's unfortunate. One is lost to the shackles of their own world if not willing to shake feelings such as denial from oneself. I see trying to convince a certain few is a futile attempt on my end... Saddening really...
*denying intensifies* [spoiler]hue[/spoiler]
(╯ಠ3ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ [spoiler]huehue[/spoiler]
[spoiler]lmao xD[/spoiler]