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Edited by Devious Belly Button: 5/27/2015 4:12:15 PM

New Enemy Ideas

You guys ever bored of shooting more reskinned bullet sponges? Ever get an epic elimination target only to be a captain with a slightly cooler name? Atleast for me, I am disappointed. I was hoping higher strike levels and certain missions would have epic and unique mobs with their own mechanics. Name: [b]Guardian Slayer[/b] [spoiler] Race: [b]Fallen [/b] Clone model: [b]Elite Vandal[/b] Weapons: [b]Four Arc Swords[/b] Special Identifier: 4 Spears on their back, broken chains on arms and legs Special Mechanics: [u]Double regular movement speed, Can Blink 4 times in succession, turns invisible when blinking, does not appear on radar, half health[/u] Appearances: [u]High level strikes and nightfalls, possible elimination target on earth. Only 4 can be spawned at the same time.[/u] Lore: [i]Elite vandals that have descended from the House of Kings. Each of these supreme soldiers strike like lightning, their blades, stained with countless guardian lives. It is said that the first guardian slayer used the weapon of his first prey. The Guardians call it...Red Death.[/i] [/spoiler] Name:[b]Infested Dreg[/b] [spoiler] Race: [b]Fallen[/b] Clone model: [b]Dreg[/b] Weapon: [b]Void version of Shock Pistol[/b] Special Identifier: Morphed dreg with thrall body parts, multiple eyes, green aura Special Mechanics: [u]death from a precision shot creates an explosion and contaminates nearby guardians, kindnof like thorn DoT, death from a body shot makes the dreg morph into an ogre[/u] Appearances: [u]Any area with large amounts of hive[/u] Lore: [i]Ikora says these abominations are most likely the House of the Exiles, which have grown too close to the hive. [/i] [/spoiler] Name: [b]Light Breaker[/b] [spoiler] Race: [b]Hive[/b] Clone Model: [b]Wizard[/b] Weapon: [b]Two Hive Knight Blades[/b] Special Identifier: Wears the torso armor of a hive knight, has four arms Special Mechanics: [u]Spawns 4 hive knight shields in each direction when using the poison mist, the arc blasts deal significantly less damage but will stun guardians, they will move twice as fast when they attack swords[/u] Apperances: [u]Any The Dark Below story mission, strike, or Moon patrol[/u] Lore: [i]Fearsome warriors from the Blood of Oryx, they seek to avenge Crota. They are instinctively attracted towards the essence of crota.[/i] (Having necrochasm grimoire card increases the chance of a Light Breaker spawning by 5%, having it equipped furthers it by another 5%) [/spoiler] Name: [b]Warmonger[/b] [spoiler] Race: [b]Hive[/b] Clone Model: [b]Hive Knight[/b] Weapon: [b]Boomer Gun and Hive Knight Sword[/b] Special Identifier: Hive armor is black with glowing red eyes with two small shriekers floating on its back Special Mechanics: [u]Aura of a warmonger disables ALL player buffs and stops the super from passively charging, Smarter AI with combo capabilites, can jump without platforms, shriekers explode when warmonger died[/u] Appearances: [u]Anywhere with Hive, guaranteed to spawn when "The enemy forces move against each other"[/u] Lore: [i]Directly under the command of Oryx, these vicious killers stop at nothing to satisfy their thirst for blood. Some even say that Crota was once a warmonger, some say that the warmongers were trained personally by crota. Though these are just rumors and speculations, just know that it was a single warmonger that fought off a cabal army at the moon. [/i] [/spoiler] I'll post vex and cabal if you guys like what I've done so far. Comment your opinions and feedback please. [url= ]Master Thread[/url]

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  • Edited by The Mr Ree: 6/22/2015 1:57:10 PM
    Guardians Vs. Spartans "The Destiny Of Halo" Master Chief Day 1 before John became The Master Chief and Before Guardians were Lightbringers...

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