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Edited by Quariks Prime: 6/23/2015 1:02:28 AM

Kindness of some people in game

So yesterday I was playing destiny on x360, and I'm leveling my hunter. Get messages by a guy who wants to do nightfall. I switch to warlock and we go. Now, being a crappy player, I die a whole bunch, and I thought I was gonna get kicked (this has happened to me before). However, these two are different. They tolerate me, and while I don't have a mic, they understood that I heard them and helped as much as I can. We beat bromnigul, and I get the purifier robes. I was very happy. Next we do heroic, and we painstakingly grind through just for a few engrams, but it was fun. After, I msged them thank you and added them both as friends. If you guys are out there, (you know who you are) you guys are awesome. Share your awesome story in the comments! Do you guys smell fire? That's the smell of my heart being warmed by you guys and your amazing support!

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  • Hey just wanted to let you know that was my friend and he was taking about it today!

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    • I just wish more people put their Fireteam on public!

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      • Im on x360 too add me gt: MilitantCarp

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      • Awesome!! I would love to play with you! Helping people is always fun and u sound cool :3 add me :D

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      • I'm always down to help out new players. For at least a few hours, nearly every day, I get on and bust out bounties. If I just happen to see a new player I always take time to send them a message asking if they need help or if they would just like someone to play with, especially because starting fresh right now they have so much content to cover. Anybody who wants to can add me on xbox one. I do the raids with new and experienced groups every week and will help with most anything. My gamertag is B WuTangClan B.

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      • I was called "girl voice" in crota

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        • Edited by CoViEr: 6/23/2015 12:41:59 AM
          Recently I've been seeing raid groups starting off the Vault of Glass as I pass by (about 3-4 last week). Sometimes they look they they're struggling, so I go ahead and help get rid of the Praetorians faster so they can keep the Spire forming. Every time the Spire is done, I head to the gate with them and wave, and some even wave back. After that I get back to whatever I'm doing. I've done this a few times now, but it always gives me a warm feeling every time.

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          • Add me on x360 :the murdeler

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          • Im xbone360 shoot me an inv or msg and i can help u run vog i can run relic too if needed

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            • 1
              One time I was looting a spawn cave, and a titan came along. Since he was blocking the spawn, I was about to ask him to leave when he started doing supers. Then I understood, he was making orbs for me 😊. I was so happy. I didn't know how to report people for being nice then though.

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            • Bromnigul. Omnigul must've subscribe to poodypie. I love it!

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            • Uhoh! Too Much kindness! -gets sungscreen and sunglasses-, ah there, now your glow is bearable :P I been soloing this nightfall, (but have failed a few times on hunter due to no Oh SHT! abilities to save you :P), and gladly help any newbs out... As long as they are patient should I take a conserving approach upon everyone else dieing... Hm... My awesome story, would be being pulled through a level 34 PoE when I was 32... (maybe was 33) I did manage to pul my weight in a few instances and save the day maybe once per match... but generally I was not too helpful (but decent people had no problem with me :P) Not long ago I guess... I started tagging along a friend's (random) Fireteam in order to see what raids were all about... And I learned the later parts of Crotas end are somewhat comparably easy compared to beginning... and not too bad for fun... (first time was discouraged when I tried, later, I just tried not to die, and figured out the rest) Currently I am not much for non solo-able endgame content due to lack of MM services in game... I will jump in an open spot on a team on my list if I see one, but I never ask on forums or use any other system to make fireteams (thats just not fun, and at that point, your just doing for completions to get loot, not much enjoyment) I have like.... 8 completions or something? which netted me all the primaries and the crux, from CE (just inase anyone is curious about a newb to raids experience )

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            • I run people through trials the best I can and I have already gotten my 2 friends from lvl 1 - 34 lol I love helping new people, sometimes it can be painstaking tho

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            • I love Destiny, I think it is one of the best games I have ever played. I get why some people are angry, yet I am still willing to buy as many updates as I can afford for the excellent experience. On to the point, my favourite experiences are those moments when I'm on a weekly raid and one of our members happens to be a level 32 guardian who shreds the opponents and makes the experience that much easier for me (especially when fighting Omnigul).

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            • Reminds me of Luke Smiths kindness.. [spoiler]wait... wtf did i just say?[/spoiler]

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              • I will help with just about everything, the only thing im not into is vanilla crucible. I love teamwork in destiny, VoG being my favorite example :) .....just can't deal with anyone who has to be told 10 times slow down at the oracles, take your time stay with your partner, shoot in the order of appearance. It gets frustrating to see them running and hear them yelling in there mic "I cant shoot! its going dark!". smh lol

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              • It's the little things that happen in game that give me a little faith in my fellow guardians. Like one time doing the Vault a while ago, we were short a man at the start and were having some trouble forming the spire when a random guardian just joined in and helped us do it. After we had it open he gave us a wave and jumped on his sparrow. Also, when guardians go out of their way to make sure you know where the hidden chest is after killing the wolves.

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                • Im nice but sometimes i get frustrated at how dense people are. Also theres this magic land called youtube that got me through a lot in destiny. What really grinds me gears is when people lie about having done a raid then they have no idea what to do.

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                • My favorite thing to do is help random people get into the Vault. Usually, they invite me to join them, but I never accept. Just love the fun on the outside!

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                • I always wave to people while on patrol and help kill enemies for lower lvl players who I can tell are doing a story missions

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                • I played through a level 28 PoE eth randoms and made over a hundred orbs for my team mates. Afterwards we get awards and the other two get Gallys (their first ones apparently) and I get the 4th Horseman. They sent me a message asking me not to hate them and that they had fun and were sorry I was left out. I told them I had three Gallys and no Horseman (twas my first). I'm happy when people get good gear. Dozens of Gally's dropped before I got my first and I never sweat it.

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                  I go on and help people do activities even if I have already completed them. It's actually kind of fun

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                • BuMp!.!.!.!

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                • Bump for positivity.

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                • Nice to read Postive post for a change

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                • most pve players are nice like this, it's the trials/pvp players who are $&@&& and will only let elites onto their team

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