Okay, I can't stand this anymore...
I've tried to enjoy this game, I really have. But I can no longer stand idly by, and listen to people go on about how amazing this game is when in reality is, it is not. Destiny is completely and utterly unrealistic. Furthermore it is glaringly obvious that Bungie's research division team was too lazy to do any actual or thorough scientific research that is usually required when creating a game that focuses on interplanetary gameplay.
I mean, how do they sleep at night? How do they even maintain any integrity or self-respect? It's all a sham. It's all a lie. Bungie has never even travelled to the Moon, so how in the hell can they say with absolute certainty, that creatures similar to The Hive even live there? They're just making shit up! Have the visited any bases on the Moon? I bloody doubt it! And that's just Earth's satellite! How about all the other planets they fabricated?
They included Milky Way planets in Destiny... Planets that we know no one has ever been to, and then without ever actually exploring these planets in real life, they created a completely made-up computer generated universe which is nowhere even remotely close the one we live in. No one has even seen the surface of Venus with their own eyes, and you just expect us to believe that you somehow managed to find out that some time-travelling, interdimensional psychopathic cycloptic robots live there? What the hell do you take us for? Morons? You think you can just spoon-feed us your shitty, filthy lies?
Don't even get me started on the special abilities, either. Giving my character the ability to shoot fire from his hands, or a giant purple ectoplasm ball? Scientifically speaking, the sheer amount of energy required in the concentrated form of the human body, or even an Awoken or Exo body, would literally cause your very own cellular matter to break down at the atomic level after you'd defecated yourself. And then your DNA combined with a myriad of other fluids and feces would implode inwards like a dying planet before you - now in the form of a fine mist - exploded outwards all over your fellow teammates, colouring them shocked and scarred for the rest of their lives while now also living with the constant and crippling fear of pushing R1 and L1 at the same time.
No one bought NASA's lies and deceit when Louis Armstrong supposedly landed on the moon playing the trumpet, and no one is going to believe that you guys actually studied realistic elements of space exploration or visited other planets. Nor will they believe you had some magical foresight into the future to know how our world will evolve and as such you will never be able to create the realistic and gritty gaming experience that people actually want.
Hawkmoon is literally the single most realistic weapon/feature in the entire game. That is the only thing you did right.
WOW. It's a game based in space where you fight multiple alien races. WTF BUNGIE THIS SHIT IS WAY TOO REALISTIC!!!
Funniest thing I've read in a while. 10/10 satire.
I think it's all pretty believable.
Edited by Sigh_Duckman: 6/23/2015 5:30:45 AMThis is like a car wreck. I can't look away. I want to stop reading all the posts from people that took this seriously. But I can't. I. Can't. Stop. Reading.
U know if u would read the grimore and I mean all the grimore then u would understand the game
Your probably one of those ppl that says Halo is humans in the future...
Read the grimoire. Theirs more to this game than meets the eye
10/10 would bang again.
Edited by Howard MoonXLII: 6/23/2015 5:15:48 AMIf you're wondering how he eats and sleeps. And other science facts. La la la. Just repeat to yourself, It's just a game, and I should really just relax. For Destiny Science Theatre 3000.
Now that's some good s##t! [b]*Bubbling noises made before taking another hit*[\b] Unlike this dried out crap.
Everyone needs to show some respect around here. He is of the New Age Mythics.
trollin' hard m8 but let me SCHOOL YOU IMMEDIATELY they play with the idea that Warlocks use their bodies as a medium, or bridge between both dimensions. They channel it. [i]Energy is never created or destroyed, only changed.[/i] If you finished school, or are still in school, you should know this. & Milky Way planets? w0t [spoiler]it's a Sci-Fantasy shooter bruh[/spoiler]
But you know what is realistic? Halo
This kid clearly did not watch cartoons growing up.
Edited by vassmeist: 6/23/2015 3:47:38 AMUnrealistic? Your going to other planets to kill aliens and robots. Totally realistic.
I sware if ppl fall for this...
If it's realistic you would get a game over and have to start from scratch on each death, 1 shot will incapacitate you, no unlimited bases, etc.
Bravo. The sheer quantity of sheep astounds me...Louis Armstrong. Lmao!
Hahaha love it. I was going to be sad until I saw that "Louis Armstrong" landed on the moon XD then I knew what was going on
Once you got to the bit about the moon the troll became obvious. You had me at first.
"Space magic" [spoiler]Nuff said[/spoiler]
I particularly liked the part about Louis Armstrong landing on the moon. That dude was legend!
It is a damn game, not an Aerospace Simulator. Calm tf down bro
[b][i]He knows too much.[/i][/b]