I'm simply stunned by that interview...
It really comes across as the worse possible piece of PR for Bungie - the assumption that as 'gamers' all they need to do to get us to re-purchase a piece of software we already own is to dangle a few new dance emotes in front of us... I find it quite frankly rather insulting.
It speaks volumes really about how larger game software companies strategise marketing & their target audience.
Yes, I have purchased the special editions of many a game I own (fallout 4 pip boy edition being the most recent) but I make those choices based upon their inherent value as I perceive it.
The value for money being offered by the collectors edition does little quite frankly to entice me to re-purchase content I already enjoy - further, to expect an early adopter who has remained loyal to the franchise to essentially pay for the same content twice (+ a few extra bells & whistles) is entirely disrespectful.
Be careful Bungie - up until this point you have given the loyal fans what they want & they have loved you for it (& keep coming back for more) but the notion that we are a desperate for content cash cow, ready to spend hard earned money on the merest scraps is a philosophy that will only lead to you alienating your most loyal fan base. Contrary to what Gordon Gekko might advise - greed is not good.
Well put.
Ugly ridiculous.