I posted this on another thread but someone asked me to make it it's own advice post so here goes. I've cleared him 8 times total (I think) and twice this week on the first or second try, all with PuGs. Its easier now but takes longer so as long as you all communicate it should be okay. Some tips, Always kill all the adds first, no buts seriously just ignore Skolas until they are all dead! Save a couple of rockets for tight clusters of adds if you are in trouble, you don't need to rush DPS Skolas with a PUG group. Stick together as much as possible, as it makes it easier to pass the taint. Start to count down the taint time from 10 to let everyone know to get ready to take it on around 5 seconds hopefully. Start left killing the servitor a little DPS on skolas and then go right. Right side up on the platform will be your home generally as he cant teleport up there and you get a free shot at captains that jump up (unlike the left). (Edit: Some people like Starlord_Vader like the room below the platform as well)
Do Laps if the adds get too intense around the entire outside of the arena going to the left for a full loop around until you come back to right platform to assess the state of the adds - the inside can be death. 2 of the mine spots are closer to right so they are easier to get but if its the far one go as a team around the edge of the map (invisible hunters / defenders can change this but they probably wont get there, dismantle and back without someone dying from the taint). Edit: As DeltaZulu77 said Sunsingers can go for the mines / or just die with the taint knowing they can revive anyway as well. Use your supers if necessary as you can always kill the adds and run around Skolas while they refill.
Adds can spawn in on the middle mine spot. Be aware of his health, the mines will spawn on 50% and 25%. You should be ready for this with supers charged and full heavy ammo. Just keep rotating around while these cool down if necessary. I like to use found verdict - captains and fang over fatebringer as you can hit the adds/skolas at range.
If you have to die because of taint- do it behind cover on the outside lap section so people can revive you easily after a lap. If you have more than 1 gjallahorn you can burn him down pretty easily from 26% and do the last set of mines with no adds but if in doubt heavy the adds and take your time. If you have any more advice to add please comment. Good Luck!
If you have a Sunsinger, try to get them to have the debuff when you do mines. This way they can just die, and self Rez as needed.