I support World Bosses. I also support higher level patrols.
New World Type Bosses should be made.
Edit 1: Please read the whole post before commenting please.
And they should do like Star Wars the Old Republic did it, have them in specific areas on the map, and not Random, instead having a "Button" of sorts that activates the World Boss. Much like the pile of bones in the Ol' Loot Cave.
But it would require increasing the patrol Guardians from 3-6 but preferably 9.
World Bosses in most games are meant to be taken down by very very large crews, basically they are meant to be taken down by all players in the current world. And on say an earth patrol, you really dont want to be hashing out with a World level boss with a bunch of level 5's at your side.
Oh!! Even better idea!!
A new Patrol button, World Boss Patrol, party size 6, Level Requirement of 32, This way all people in the instance are at least 32. Once the "button" is pushed an alert goes out to all people on the planet. "The World boss has been awakened, backup your fellow Guardians!" Giving all players in the instance time to get there, and it will require a minimum of 14 players to take him down within a decent amount of time. 6 players could do it, but it would take forever.
And not some silly bullet sponge, A legit boss. A giant Ogre, bigger than Phogoth. An even more powerful Gatelord.
And no Gimmick crap. No Death Containment bubbles, setting fire to the world, none of that. Minor enemy spawns little peons that normally spawn there, all red bar. No Yellows.
Also the Bosses should be Red skull bosses, something 3-6 Guardians simply cannot take down by themselves.
Areas for them to have their Spawns:
-Hellmouth, MF climbs right out and onto that platform.
-Over where VoG Starts, MF either A. Smashes right out of the Vault, or B. Cutscene of a Giant Vex gate opening at the bottom of the cliff and he climbs up.
- Forgotten Shores, A. Comes up out of the ocean right there starts wreaking Havoc. B. Ketch Lands and drops off the Big Bad.
- Mars is a Tough one for me as im not sure of a very good place for a world Boss there.
But there is all my idea for it. and i apologize for the length.
Please add you comments and ideas below. I feel like this would breathe a lot of new life into patrols for higher level players. Once the level caps increase a third Patrol option should be added increasing the levels of all enemies on the planet again including the level of the world bosses.
Edit 2: For those of you who dont know what a world boss is, there are some great videos on youtube, and information to be found on google to give you much more in depth idea of what this is, normall i would provide all that information but it would make this post far too long.
Edit 3: I would like to tie in this post to this as it could make a Good reward, or tie it in with something else as a reward. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/132380341/0/0
Edit 4: I would also like to Tie this post in done by @Dead Arashi. It would make a great tie in, and the Currency in his post could be a main drop from the World Boss. Here is his post. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/128964822/0/0
Edit 5: By instituting a lvl 26 and up patrol they could bring back the Blades of Crota and have them there, and by instituting a 30 and up, you have a place for wolves, by instituting 34 and up you have a place for the new TTK one. Appalled i hadnt thought of this before as it keeps special things from each expansion relevant to the player and providing them places to do it while leveling through that expansion.
Edit 6: A lot of people are telling me they are adding something similar to world bosses in Court of Oryx. Until they reveal this i will not say it is a world boss, but i will say player activated events is a start. Hopefully if it goes well, they will add more in an update to the other worlds. I hope it is done right and is epic but i am reserving full opinion until i physically play one. If they do and its right i hope this post gains even more support and grows even more, maybe we can get it all that we want here!
I'm gonna spam bump this so that it shows up on trending. An more ppl see it. And bungie takes a better look. Coz I totally agree
For everyone bumping, thank you. But could you also add some feed back to this. Like why you would like it, why and how it would be fun for you, things like that. It would be highly appreciated!
TL;DR World Bosses would be activated events only available in the Higher level patrol selected. They would be Tougher than Raid bosses requiring more guardians to take down. Rewards would be massive XP. #BumpforWorldBosses
For mars have a boss smash out of a building
I would like to take a minute and thank everyone for their continued support. And of course their bumps that help keep this closer to the first page. Its too bad it wont get to trending or highest rated (12 pages in and still havent found it on either) I dont think the algorithm knows what trending means...
I thought this "mmo" was missing something.
This is a great idea so it won't happen. Which sucks
It could be like a mini raid. God, this game got so much potential but Bunvision is.....aaaaaargh
World Bosses won't do much good to this game. SWTOR has them and nobody looks at them. The people that play probably don't know they even exist.
Personally I want to see a world boss pve event that happens for a week, as for higher lvl patrol I could care less
So you're taking the bullet sponge bosses and just making them bigger? Why not add relics, turrets, and vehicles into the scene? Make an objective instead of it just being a bullet sponge. Perhaps there's a giant fallen walker, and instead of shooting it's legs off, you have to get on top of it, melee a control panel, rip it off,!toss a gernade and run.
Mars: some big frickin Vex coming out of the Black Garden Portal OR a big bad cabal mo-fo also at the Portal (Maybe he's trying to break in and the vex rush him to -blam!- him up ^^
I actually was thinking about this a few weeks ago, that would be awesome. Maybe they could add a on patrol map and have the boss appear on it so someone joins in can pull up a map for the area and see the boss has been awoken and head off to the fight
Ha ha I just made a post about this like a prison breakout.
I would totally do it if the World Boss was Luke Smith, who forces me to throw money at the screen for emotes.
Guild wars 2 is probably the best example I've seen of an organic need for players to work together while exploring. A giant troll comes our of a cave and it takes anywhere from 10 to 45 players to kill it. Or a mini boss in the northern mountains that's trying to summon a dragon god and requires AT LEAST 20 players. I'm not asking for bungie to give us that many players, the old systems couldn't handle it, but the bosses that require guardians to band together and win would feel so accomplishing. More so than a raid the more guardians it takes.
Super cool idea, just don't see bungie adding anything like this for less than $20...
Its great to see all this Support! keep it up Guardians!
Yes! I wanna run into random bosses that take half hour to kill!
they spawn like public events. every two or 3 hours or so. would be sweet.