Having paid $20 for each expansion so far, i can honestly say NEITHER of the 2 expansions is worth more than $10 a piece. I've just finished HoW, have to do the 2 raids, and im can "finish" the game. The launch game itself was about 20-30% of a regular-length mediocre title, so, in retrospect i should've seen it coming.
$40 for an asset recycling expansion vs $60 for a new game? TTK or Batman/Witcher 3 with a $20 difference is not even a "choice".
Couldnt give a rats ass about a shader or a monochrome sparrow. The $40 pricing is ridiculous for the content provided, given how much of a ripoff the $20 "expansions" were (which were basically the original game content that wasnt launched on time).
Not sure if Bungie or Activision has screwed the pooch, probably both. In the end it doesnt matter.
Witcher 3 is amazing if you like solo rpg. The world and exploration is freaking fantastic
Best game I've played in years and I'm only in the second area. Well over 100 hours played so far, I'm amazed at how well designed and interesting the side quests are.
The character story lines get to me. Some of the more powerful guys turn out to be entirely destroyed on the inside, and very vulnerable, at the will of others who seem much weaker. Witcher 3 is the Game of Thrones game, of 2015. Also, Arkham just came out. lol
Far better than the main quests imo. Such story
Gm time - old
Welcome to destiny that's why I will buy battlefront -
As an old BF guy whos played all, beware the "reskin" factor from EA. I have it pre ordered, but for $40 due to a sale (lol TTK expansion price). Even if turns bad in reviews, i can return it still wrapped up, thankfully. I have a bad feeling its gonna be too fluff of a reskin instead of a proper new game.