That's not people's argument. Let me clarify.
Bungie- We have a new expansion! It's almost like a 2nd game!
You- Awesome! As a long standing Day 1/Beta/Alpha tester I'm really looking forward to it! How much is it?
Bungie- Because it's such a big expansion, the cost is $40-80.
You- That is a lot. Wait, $40-80? What do you mean?
Bungie- We have just the expansion for $40, the original plus TDB, HoW, and TTK for $60, and a special version with all of it and some unique stuff, like even more than what your Ghost edition had for $80.
You- Oh, okay. Even though I paid much more for the same thing?
Bungie- Well, yes
You- Well, as long as my season pass and being a year 1 covers it...
Bungie- Oh... Actually if you want the big version we don't have a special package or discount.
You- But I've been loyal to Destiny.
Bungie- We know and that's why you get some exclusive year 1 rewards!
You- Oh sweet! I bet it's way more than what those Legendary Editions get!
Bungie- Actually no. They get roughly 3 times the year 1s get.
You- How does that work?
Bungie- Loyalty isn't the issue
You- What is?
Bungie- Oh, because you bought TDB and HoW which were just tests, we know we can get you to buy anything!
You- But as a member of the Year 1s I want to continue to expand with Destiny!
Bungie- Totally can! $80 dollars, please.
You- But I don't want the original or expansions I or II.
Bungie- Oh, then $40.
You- With the perks of Legendary, right?
Bungie- No... That's $80.
You- So I can't get Legendary without buying copies of the stuff I already have?!
Bungie- Correct. Now then, $80.
You- I have something much better...
Bungie- You want to donate?!
-snaps disc in half and uses it to stab Bungie member-
-Bungie loses much of Destiny community. Is not replaced by TTK. Destiny TTK ratings drop. Destiny suffers a death worse than Atari-
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