I feel bad for you. Bungie didn't have the vision to unlock this game's potential, and I doubt they ever will. They aren't very good at telling a story, and that's why the story is read online. They didn't know how to deliver it. They're great at shooters.. But terms like mmo and rpg take them far out of their element. Destiny will not survive the incoming titles. Hell, tomorrow 6.2 drops in WoW and I, and a number of people are going to be GONE. I can't wait til Destiny dies. I just wish it could take what's left of Bungie (since everyone important went to 343) with it to the depths of Hell.
Why r u here?
So just stop playing and leave it to those that enjoy it. No need to be a whiny ass little crybaby about it. You don't like it, move on. No one will miss you with an attitude like that, so why are you still here?
Don't feel bad for me. The destiny community is great, the co-op is great, and I've made way more friends on here than on other games. So go to WoW. I don't play pc anyway.