How would they determine who's day one? By looking at those who pre-ordered the original game? Because if they just put out a special edition titled "Day One" and anyone can buy it, how special do the vets feel then?
If you bought everything at retail value you should be considered day one, I didn't purchase the game until November but I paid the same price as day 1 guys did
I got the Destiny PS4 bundle at a discounted price during the holidays but paid retail price for the DLCs. Would that still net me a day one edition? If not, it wouldn't really bother me but just curious
I would say yes because you purchased them year 1
From what i understood its gonna be anyone who reached level 30 by a certain date.
I think that's fair.
I think by day one, he means the vets. Destiny considers the Vets to be anyone who has either reached level 30, or purchased the previous two expansions of the game.
I'd say anyone that was around for or before the original queens wrath.
How would they go about seeing who was though? Maybe they have a database where they can check the active members at the time and then deliver the goods via Tess Everis, since she's never used
They have data for when each character was made. That and if you have items from it.
Umm I was around but didn't play queen's wrath then. They've already said though that it's for players who have reached level 30 by August.
Better answer. Why didn't you participate in the first wrath though?
Wasn't high enough level.