Xbox is clearly the superior console.
Jimmies rustled: [b]+1100[/b]
That's why ps4 outsold xbone 2-1 at least so ya Xbox is better apparently idiots.
Does Xbox have multiplayer?? I don't think- oh wait... Does Xbox have a online subscription to play online and with friends??? That's right I didn't think s- oh.... Wait.... Well is Xbox... A box shades a little only that plays movies annnnd video games??? Ha bet they don't have tha- shit.... Basically they are the same console
Bait ? Sounds like kids talk ... G8 bait / rekt / get gud = language of the moron child
Where is the option I dont give a shit cuz i have both ps4 and xbone
1080 v 720
So u woke up and had to masturb8 all over the forums eh?
I had a xbone. I chose to buy a ps4 recently due to alot of things, mainly destiny. Ps4 runs it better and for destiny atleast the connection is better.
This is why there's a stupid console war, immature people like you -_- (360/ xbone gamer)
Muted - so I no longer have to see these type of posts from this person.
Its funny that I don't see many (if any) 'ps4 is the best console' posts on these forums. Seem like a desperate cry for attention from some of the Xbox community.
Gr8 B8 M8
Edited by The Titan Bros: 6/24/2015 8:55:42 AMI'm a dedicated Xbox player myself, and in my own opinion... Get out of here with your naive and old ways. That form of thinking needs to disappear.
And I like men. Classic
Edited by tre11style: 6/24/2015 1:03:44 PMI saw the tags.. and know it's bait... I got one question for those who actually do think this.... why is Xbox having issues with Witcher3 and pS4 not?
Whats wrong with liking men, i mean he didn't say attracted to and or loves men.
Well, Cleary it's pc master race right?
You spelt WORST wrong lol
Edited by Ancient: 6/24/2015 12:13:15 PMI didn't know it until this post, but I guess I like men. Gosh, the internet is helpful.
Console war bait. That Wii U tho...
I r8 8/8 gr8 b8 m8
These topics make me laugh. Go ahead think that. Real gamers have PS4, XB1, and a gaming PC. Console wars are for people who don't buy their own consoles and rely on mommy and daddy money.
I got GameCast
GameCube for the win