I don't know why your apologizing it also hasn't been denied from Xbox either.
Well, it's been confirmed for PS4 and not Xbox so that's enough of a reason to apologize.
Apologize all You want regardless if we get it I'm probably not gonna buy it so I could still careless. Having so much fun on elder scrolls, and most of time will also probably be spent on fallout 4
Your mistake, not mine.
I'm sure I've made a mistake buying my Xbox one. Well atleast I'm not the only one 65% of this community alone agrees that Xbox one is better. Hopefully one day you'll open your eyes and see why.
Lol it's a bias poll and I've already opened my eyes, I had an Xbox 360. But I wasn't referring to the console. Quick to defend huh?
I'm not going to even bother to argue with you anymore seeing as your mind has been set that PS4 is the winner. So be it. One day you'll Open your eyes and see what the fuss is about.
Lol I've used an Xbox one before. It's not impressive.