What part?
All 3
You deny that the meat industry is essential to our economy? And that correlation does not equal causation?
There are a crap load of things that are not essential to an economy, the only reason why people believe this is because companies, and Republican scientists make you think that you need meat to survive. Secondly, correlation = causation. Autism has been going up while more and more people get shots. I should get to decide what to do with MY children. Repubtards shouldn't interfere
And that's where it became easy to tell that you are a troll
Actually,Autism has absolutely nothing to do with shots.Its a chromosome or gene disorder.Shots don't modify your cell's genes.They modify antibodies for the virus.So what does cause autism?GMOs.The amount of autism cases shot up when GMOs came into play.GMOs give your cells energy that has been modified.This is new to the cell,so it adapts to it and [i]sometimes [/i]develops an extra chromosome.This is called a mutation.Autism and other disorders root from this.And according to the FDA,[b]91[/b] percent of soybeans are GMOs.Which is in a ton of vegan food.So as far as the FDA knows,Veganism contributed quite a ton to GMO growth,and from that autism.Not shots. So you want to shut down the meat industry huh?Let me tell you a couple things.The meat industry is HUGE to America.Its multi billion huge.Most of the south's economy is based off agriculture for animals and plants.What happened last time something significant to the economy was caused by agriculture?The Great Depression.And what happened last time a huge industry was shut down?Prohibition.As in thousands of deaths across America for alchohol.Yep.Lets cause a purge and economic shut down for the world.Yay being healthy!!! And the third thing.Why are you blaming a political group for this?!?You really think that Republicans are the reason why America is unhealthy?And why are you bringing politics into this?!?Im not a republican,but you must be pretty stupid to think politics have anything to do with diet.So to me you seem like a misinformed ignorant retard.Know your facts before you post stuff like this
I disagree
Uh huh.And why do you disagree?