We have got so many good people here. Glad to be the part of this community.
>Destiny Community >Awesome Something doesn't make sense here
I'm glad you exist.
My (ex)awoken girlfiend told me : "It's either me or the sparrow" That was the longest burnout i ever done!
Where are they?!
Yeah, you're right, there are a lot of good people here. Too bad all the bad people are the ones that populate the forums.
Git gud scrub
I would agree if it wasn't for all the kids crying for nerfs
I'm sorry but destiny community and good people don't match.
We love u too chicken HD
According to replies, everyone commenting on this thread isn't awesome. Except me. I'm AWSM.
Lol I hope you're trolling
Go drunk, you're home.
The community isn't too bad when compared to others. Looking at you childish CoD community. Don't let the few arrogant and selfish people who post in forums here influence your outlook. They're generally the jerks and attempt to give this community a bad name.
[quote]We have got so many good people here. Glad to be the part of this community. Cya[/quote] [quote]We have got so many good people here. Glad to be the part of this community.[/quote] [quote]We have got so many good people here.[/quote] [quote]so many good people[/quote] These forums and good people? What ever the -blam!- you're smoking..... Damn
Why spank you very much.
later gator
#satire right...? RIGHT?
For the most part the community tends to be a volatile cluster -blam!-. The only time people come together around here is when Bungie screws up on a massive scale (Luke Smith, Xur, locking non-DLC owners out of Nightfalls, etc.).
That's funyy
Edited by Sunny: 6/23/2015 11:59:36 PMOutside of the forum, yeah there's plenty of good people. On here, everyone's a troll, a complainer, or an asshole. There are very few people on the forum that are good.
Where do you get your weed?