Can we please not forget that new players, who are already getting TTK and the extra stuff with CE, can also get year one rewards just for owning Destiny, TDB, and HoW? They don't even have to be level 30+. Look closely at the description in gamestop and you'll see. Pass this around. Year One Rewards are NOT actually for year one players. Anyone can get them. They're NOT veteran rewards. New players can have the same thing as us so called "VIP players" and more.
Edited by Phlogisticated: 6/24/2015 1:14:54 AMSure. All they have to do (like us) is buy Destiny twice.
Read that they could play Destiny and the expansions early somewhere. Can't find where, so I can't prove it. I'm wrong
The criteria are: (Preorder TTK) AND (Have a level 30 character [i]before[/i] TTK is released) OR (Preorder TTK) AND (own TDB and HoW [i]before[/i] TTK is released) You can do the first one with a borrowed disk, but if you do, I say you [i]deserve[/i] the goodies because you [i]are[/i] a year-one player. You can't do the second one with just the GoTY pack, because you'd need to own it before it gets released.
on playstation if tou preorder taken king you get to play destiny tdb and how right now so i guess it would qualifie for owning them before ttk release
To get the year-one pack, you have to have owned the expansions before August 31st, i.e. in year one.
like i said if you pre order now you can play them now
Sure. How long has Destiny been out? And is that more time than a year, or less time than a year?
We have to preorder?
Ah, makes sense, thanks
Lol no you're talking out of your ass. Do your research.
I'll admit that I can't find where I read that they could play early anymore. But do you have a link anywhere proving that they can't? I mean, you can't just go online, say I'm wrong, then not show why. Not trying to start an argument, sorry if I'm coming off as offensive. But I'm curious. I swear I read it somewhere
you were right on the playstation store it says if you preorder you can play destiny and dlc now
That's where I read it! It's on the Xbox store! Thanks
Coming from a logical standpoint, making a statement like that, I'm afraid the burden of proof is on you friend. Innocent until proven guilty.
Ah, yeah. Good point
I don't mean to sound like an ass either, I just wish all the controversy could stop :/
Oh don't worry I didn't take you as one lol. And I see what you mean.
Nope, he's right.
I know we're getting extras from Deej on Thursday, but I'd like evidence that players new to the game will get these exclusives. Saying things like "it's hidden in gamestop stuff" really isn't reliable, unreliable source means unreliable information.
I'll try to get you it.