The criteria are:
(Preorder TTK) AND (Have a level 30 character [i]before[/i] TTK is released)
(Preorder TTK) AND (own TDB and HoW [i]before[/i] TTK is released)
You can do the first one with a borrowed disk, but if you do, I say you [i]deserve[/i] the goodies because you [i]are[/i] a year-one player.
You can't do the second one with just the GoTY pack, because you'd need to own it before it gets released.
on playstation if tou preorder taken king you get to play destiny tdb and how right now so i guess it would qualifie for owning them before ttk release
To get the year-one pack, you have to have owned the expansions before August 31st, i.e. in year one.
like i said if you pre order now you can play them now
Sure. How long has Destiny been out? And is that more time than a year, or less time than a year?
We have to preorder?
Ah, makes sense, thanks