Hey Bungie, why do you guys love Playstation so much? I know this topic has been thrown around a lot, and theres a bunch of XBone players ready to just down the throat of anyone that claims one side or another. However, I am genuinely curious. Why is it that PS4 is going to get exclusive new exotics like The Jade Rabbit? Why do they already have exclusives like Hawkmoon? This message isnt to put down anyone at Bungie or anyone who prefers PS4 over XBone, this is one of genuine curiosity. Maybe i missed something; maybe i didnt look deep enough into what us fellow XBoners were getting as an exclusive and if thats the case...mea culpa. But if the reason is that more players are on the XB platform than PS, and exclusives are an effort to draw more people to Playstation, i think thats utterly unfair. Why does the XB community have to go without uber cool stuff? In any case, I'll end the post here, and if DeeJ or anyone else from Bungie is reading this...I think both sides would like to know why.
Thank you
Bungie does not love play station, play station is just paying them to get ps exclusive content, so more people buy their console.