[quote]Ask away guardians make your question worthy because you killed my son and I shall kill you soon.
EDIT- oryx God of gods is upgrading to Xbox one today :) I also pre-ordered the collectors edition for TTK.
EDIT 2- my wife mOmnigul liked self-ies and wanted me to use it as our picture because she wanted the universe to know that we are married.
EDIT 3- damn I'm getting some nice questions, but if your just going to be a buzz kill don't bother commenting this is supposed to be fun for both sides stating the obvious is no fun.
EDIT 4- Omnigul is a certified hive representative and her answers are valid, but we have a imposter going around so it has to be my wife (we share a pic of her best self-ie).
EDIT 5- I have taken a "photograph" of my ship from my control room, mOmnigul is going to be pissed[/quote]
I killed urrox the flame prince today, but I haven't laid a finger on crota (yet) are you coming for me?
[quote]Yea[/quote] Why