Okay it makes me a bit irked, to think that I have to buy some preorder (which includes the game i am already playing) in order to get exclusive content.
I honestly don't mind paying for the expansion, I payed $140 for the game and DLC, which is a fair bit of stuff (although HoW should of been free) but I deserve, your community (you claim to love so much) deserve the exclusive content the rewards, without your core who have been playing since open day, you would of faded into obscurity. You pretty much have. So here is how you need to think. Profits don't come from bringing in more players, it comes from retaining players and getting more. If you screw your core over you lose a large portion of future sales because we won't give a shit anymore.
So here is the deal bungie, Luke Smith, Deej, hipster moustache douche who likes to make explosion noises, Oryx Arsehat Guy. Give your core the exclusive content, give your core the things they deserve. Without your core, you wouldn't be putting out this expansion, oh and Activision needs to suck a fat one.
Bungie needs to stop biting the hand that feeds them. Without us consumers what would Destiny be.