Hey, how you doing? Ok here's my questions, i actually play Destiny on Xbox 360 and i kind of want to buy an Xbox One and continue playing Destiny on it but here's the problem, "Taken King" arrives 15 September and assuming that i have an Xbox One and Destiny on it :
1 - Will i have my three 34 characters with all of my stuff on it?
2 - Will i have "The Dark Below" and "House of Wolves" on it? (I have the season pass (Althought i think it is not digital cause a friend gave it to me but i think he bought it in a store the day one of Destiny) on Xbox 360)
3 - Will i have the bonus for those above 30 light or who bought "The Dark Below" and "House of Wolves" before 2015/08/31 and "Taken King" before 2016/02/01? (The bonus are a Sparrow, a Shader and a First Year emblem)
4 - If i buy "Taken King" on Xbox 360 (Digital Version) will i have it on Xbox One?
That's it, resuming my questions will i have everything i already have on Xbox 360 on Xbox One? I really don't want to start over and spend 80€ to buy everything again, i mean REALLY !
I just wanted to call Bungie but here in France there's no number to call so whatever.. Hoping you can help me, anyways, have a good day =)