I'll also leave this here for you sir. Please note the date of the article being in 2015. [url=http://www.technewstoday.com/23096-sony-ps3-vs-microsoft-xbox-360-the-final-verdict/]link[/url]
Didn't even click. You have been talking about 2013 up until now. The figures, however, still count. Seventh highest selling console of all time. PS3 is eighth.
Exactly, you don't want to be wrong. PS3 outsold 360. Plain and simple. This is why you don't get facts from wiki. They are not ways accurate. Anyone can change them and nobody is paid to maintain their accuracy.
You realize that isn't current right? That's as of 2013.
Yip, the figures you've been talking about are from July 2013. Did you want figures from a year other than the one you mentioned? Can you remember what you typed?
Just click the link. Admit you are wrong and move on. Kthx and baibai
I did. You're still wrong. Why have you changed from 2013 to 2015 all of a sudden? As I said, seventh highest selling console of all time. ALL time includes 2014 and 2015. PS3 is eighth.