originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Want to join with people who want to raid. I only have experience with completing the Crota Raid. Lvl 40 light 398 and have Mic. Add me Gamertag: BORAT2011ILIKE
Want Gear. Have mic Hunter Lvl40 Light 355 Gamertag: Grif531
Looking for some one to teach me Raids.. Have mic Titan Lvl40 Light 391 Gamer Tag: Rep613
Looking for people to do this raid to get essence of oversoul for necrochasm, 5 slots open, gamertag: goodwillbomb
Edited by Kaos-72-: 7/20/2017 10:44:10 PMCrota hard ive done it once on easy and bits on hard would be nice to complte on hard 390 have mic 5 spots
Need people to do the Croats end raid with I know everything but need help Active 24/7 Ps4 tag : THEoKILLERo101 need to do it on heroic
Edited by Zavius Firerave: 7/7/2017 6:27:24 AMInexperienced with most raids. Have done VoG on hard once and did King's Fall up to The Warpriest on hard. Hunter Lv.400 PSN: Zavius_Firerave Have mic. Mature player. Looking for clans or any group willing to teach. I will follow your every direction.
Active player, new to raids. Would like to learn them. Toons are: 391 Hunter, 392 Warlock, 393 Titan. Usually run with 2 friends that are interested in learning also. Add me if you're willing to teach one or all 3 of us how to run raids. IGN Aestersidhe. Competent Adult, have mic will take direction.
can someone do a raid with me i have never done one my gamer tag is 'NPGameing' and i have a mic and i am an english dude
Just picked Destiny back up after a few months. New to raids, trying to get my trophies all done. Titan - Light 356. 27 YO, solid gamer. Need to do a flawless raid, as well as any raid on hard. Would love the help.
New to raids and looking to join a fireteam or anyone interested. Level 40 Hunter 397 Light. PSN: KUETZPALLI
Edited by LuvlyJubbly360: 6/24/2017 5:31:36 PMNeed to join a Fireteam, or link up with others, as I would like to do raids. I have headphone and mic. My name on screen in dionpalk
level 40 titan with 391 light gamertag is di4mondminer101
Edited by awaaka: 6/18/2017 11:40:15 AMIm a 40 warlock 392 doing fresh Crota 390 4 needed please PSN awaaka
Edited by wolsbuger: 6/9/2017 11:05:36 PMi'am a warlock level 40 light 395 no experience with raids i can go all night my psn is Orbz_Brdy
i have no experience in any raids, trying to go for Crotas end, VoG, and wrath of the machines, but willing to help/assist , my psn is: d_iiPaWn-NuBz_b
Edited by ValentinoRussi: 6/5/2017 2:22:17 PMI have no experience at all in Raids. I have been wanting to do them for a while but don't have enough people to do with. I'm a Hunter, level 40 with 340 Light - Got mic and can do evening all night. Add me on PSN - BullyOnlinee Cheers
I have no experience in raid. Level 40 Hunter 390 light level Got mic but i'm a French guy so i still struggle with english sometime. Got all night!
Edited by funguy32_funguy: 6/3/2017 12:19:30 AMI have experience with Crota and VoG raids, no Oryx experience. Level 40 Hunter 320+ Light level. I have all night and I'd love to help whenever. PSN: funguy32_funguy
Yeah so um I've never done a raid before and I just joined this group. PSN: YahBoiPhish Light: 258
I Cant do it by myself can u help PS4:Radioactive776HD Light:328 Please Help me Guys!
Haven't played since year one need help with raids. PS4: Reqel Light:392
i would like to do my first raid to day would like to do a heroic because i am level 393 light and i can get up to 400 light
I would like to join a team to do Crota 390. I know the basic fundamentals of the abyss and killing crota. Add me on psn @XxSlicknick
Got last checkpoint at Crota's End. Send message/freind-request if you want to join