originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Got last checkpoint at Crota's End. Send message/freind-request if you want to join
Hey a buddy and I have never done a raid but we're looking for people to accompany us on some send a pan msg to cryptic_17
Never done a raid before either, not sure if I should join a clan or what. Any help or suggestions would be great.
Can anybody help me with any raid, I've never done one before. My light is 322. and also https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-GYH-KFY-ARF if u want to do two guardians.
i have yet to do any raid, i run a lvl 388 blade/tether. I'm down for any sign is xSneakySnekx on ps4, add pls
Need help with raids
Need help to level up. Can someone add me to help. I am good at Crucible, but need someone to raid with.
Hi im a hunter light 395 and have never done the crota end raid. anyone want to come?
I can do Raid with you im level 40 light 374 or 372 C4naumanC4 PSN
Any 1 up for hard crota? Level 400 hunter psn OMG_ITS_J4KE225
Looking to beat Crota's End, not sure how. Lvl 40 362 warlock. Easy, anyone know how or want to join?
Add for raids, any welcome. Not done any so looking to get started.
somebody wanna do the crota hard raid? im lvl 40 warlock
Need group for cropta i'm 179
нужна помощь в рейде на луне получить кругс оф кроту я левл 387
need team for any raid i can play either hunter or warlock with 380 light Psn: Yuno_miku mic, can play anytime
WoTM raid normal. Mic is optional. 370+ - 390+ light required. Message me on XB1: JWMM1337 to get an invite.
I am a ps4 level 40 on 2 characters and need help i am experienced and just need a tea i have a mic and i think i am skilled help? my gt is lechefsurpremej add me tell me from clan for raid plz thx
If anyone wants to add me for any raid or Nightfall I'll gladly join. PSN-PsychopathGamers Hunter- Level 40 Light level 385~
need normal and hard WOTM, hunter 395 light level 40
Yes really need to do a raid as I've never done one. Please join my fire team or -if I can-join yours. Psn account name- SinZarHid
i need a squad for raids i havent done any of them im a 365 hunter you can add me on psn ruff-punkin
Looking for some folks to raid with haven't done any except kings fall once. I play everyday so add me on psn if you need a player or would like to help me out, hunter 381 demee27
i wanna start play raids. lvl 40 titan , light 339 , please help me find fireteam, name Galgorm
I can help you am Level:40 Light:362
I never completed a raid, and i need someone to help me. Lvl 40 Hunter 371 light Im called Booce048 in-game. I have a mic. :)