originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Hello, ApexX_gIrL here. I'm stuck in the last round for Skola's Prison of Elders level 35 with a friend. We're both level 40 and we need one more player who we can pass around the poison to, otherwise, we'll never be able to finish.
Hunter 318 light I would like to do kings fall and I have never completed it
I am a Lv. 40 Warlock with 299 light. Happy to help with any raid when online.
Edited by 4 for 4 wendy's combo: 6/14/2016 10:51:42 PMI need help on crota end mic is not required I will be willing to help also my psn is itz_yaboii401
Edited by Jibz009: 6/13/2016 2:49:56 PMI need help on crota end if you are willing to help me i will help other if needed ID jibz009 PS4
I'm trying to get Crota done. All slots open, psn is shagohad12
i want to do that too. How about 6:30
Need Help with crota nm or hard I am light 306 warlock need 4-5 people my gamer tag is blueclone12
Crota's End, first time raiding. Level 38, light level 193. Titan. Sooooooo I tried doing this solo, got rekt. Please help me with this, I have no idea waht am I supposed to do. Neither friend request or mic are required for this so let me know if you wanna help me out! PSN ID: PriscentSnow
Need help with crota's end hard mode if there is anyone who wants to join. PSN is orion-the-tank
Raid looking for 3 Must be 320+ No kids send me a Message for a spot Jaqwan_Daking
Need 4 people for VOG Atheon CP Add FuryxLuis
Need help any raid crota or vault even ttk need 5 or as many as need to pass and The_Alchemic is gamer tag
Edited by yutabamik: 4/22/2016 1:57:55 AMI need help in order to Crota and raid oryx am level 40, light 305 , HUNTER gamertag:yutabamik ( PS3)
Crota Hard Raid I need help I'm only light level 303. I need 5 players. I've completed normal raid many times so I am familiar with the strategies :) Gamertag - MRTAHIR123
i add you
Kings fall nm. Need 3-4 Marauderguy 297 Hunter
hi need need help with a few things crota and kings fall raid and night fall strike titan light level 290 also level 40
I can help, @iSky_xLimit is my gt. Titan Level 40
jmk61676 would like to help
are you still trying to do this got 3 of us
290 light bd. 1st raid plz add. Ty
Edited by Scrap__Dawg: 3/15/2016 3:52:52 PM314 titan first time raider. help me please :} i would like to start with Kings fall. Find me if you are interested ill be on. thanks. Also i did my homework. Scrap_Dawg
I'm looking to run Crota for a Flawless Normal Mode and just a regular Hard completion. PSN is KingSigy.