originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Want to join with people who want to raid. I only have experience with completing the Crota Raid. Lvl 40 light 398 and have Mic. Add me Gamertag: BORAT2011ILIKE
crota hard 5 slots cabe bedlam09
Yo I wanna join the raid. Gamer. Tag is LostSoul4328 on Xbox 1
Looking for a raid team tomorrow to help me and a friend with Kings Fall Hard Mode message me @my psn : BallisticScrubz
Edited by SRTCJ3: 10/1/2016 7:09:09 PMHey i need help om raid 360
Need help finishing the kings fall raid on ps4 psn name is grimist91
Edited by Assass1nK1ller5: 7/27/2016 10:27:16 AMI need help with Kings fall normal on Xbox 360. G.T(Assass1nk1ller5
I need help with a raid. Today maybe around 6pm EST time? I really need help.
plz help me in crota raid hard im a lvl 292 light titan my gamer tag is xXF1RE1ORNXx
I need help were at the very just need to kill crota message either me or BarrackaFlacka0 my gamer tag is level98magikarp
Edited by Swift: 2/27/2016 3:50:26 AMHeyyy I would like some Help with The Crota Hard mode, XB360 Gamertag 'SwiftFire1002' EDIT: Level 40 Warlock Light Level: 255
Edited by toxicfox157: 1/8/2016 3:07:56 PMi am a level 40 hunter 285 light my gt is JAKEDABEAST. Crota raid.
Edited by ProvenTerra 303: 12/30/2015 12:46:49 PMProvenTera 303 xbox360 level 40 280 light
On crota cp hard gt im Xavior xbox360 bored af
I'm a level 40 warlock and want better gear. Count me in my GT is 'Ben 310 MC,.
I'm a Level 34 Warlock. I want to grind Crota on normal or hard. I just want better gear. Add me on 360. GT is HighRedemption. I'm always game.
looking for someone I can run crota with. I'm a 34 hunter, Titan, and warlock and is very experienced with everything. I can swordbearer on all 3 characters and I have ax Gjally and max Black Hammer. message Pudiing If I can join you. (:
Need a raid group for Xbox 360 for Vog hard
crotas end xbox 360 gamertag merrywindl need group
need help with hard crota hard, gt is GRIM4909, 5 open spots, 360
At Bridge Hard
Need 3 more
Need with hard crota and hard vault of glass I have oracle checkpoint Must be 32 and higher with a mic and have a Xbox 360 My gamertag is usagamerguy
Edited by Dagoth Vizar: 9/3/2015 2:41:29 PMLevel 34 Warlock with mic and fully charged Gallyhorn, willing to go through Crota's End hard with others in exchange for help on PoE 35 for MoT before TTK release. Need someone with senior knowlege to guide the Raid. I'm going to send an fireteam join invites out to the following people this coming Saturday and Sunday starting at 1pm EST (USA), for Crota's End Hard, and VoG. Need to do PoE 35 after to help me. wonderplayer642 wr4th II I8bbF Redback008 Andrew4GivesYou merrywindl killerjarhead77 DarkTax771 GrIM4909 Pudiing aurafox74
So tonight around 9pm EST me and a friend will be trying to complete Crota on Hard for the MoT. We are both filthy casuals who love the game and are decent players but not elite. My buddy hasn't even completed Crota yet at all, and I've only done it once. It would be awesome to get a few players who are familiar with the raid to help guide us through it. I'm not talking about being carried. We will fight our asses off, but we definitely need a team with some patience. We don't have to start at the beginning if someone has a checkpoint. But it would be cool to do from beginning to end. We are on Xbox 360. I have a L34 Hunter, he has a L34 Titan. We both have mics. I have a fully upgraded Truth and his Gjallahorn is almost fully upgraded on damage. He does have Wolfpack unlocked. I have the gally but I Xured it and I've been out of town all last week so I haven't had a chance to upgrade. Xbox live name is the same as the one above.
I would also like help with crota