For all of you defending the $40 price. Understand that that's not the issue. Consider THIS.
One person owns the game and both DLC's (Person 1)
Another used to but has now sold the disc. (Person 2)
Another has never owned or played Destiny (Person 3)
Everyone has the option to purchase whichever version they want of course but what's the best deal?
Person 3 clearly wants to purchase the $60 complete edition or the $80 Collectors.
(Personally I'd pay the $20 extra so let's say that was the chosen route)
Person 3 now owns the game and 3 Exotic Class Items (EXOTIC keep in mind), 3 Shaders and 3 special Emotes (which Day One players have been asking for since the beginning). Great for them.
Person 2 sees the value in purchasing the Collectors as well though the DLC codes are a bit of a waste but this works for them anyway. (Because there is no real value to purchasing the Digital Collectors Edition because it's the same price.) Person 2 still gets VIP Rewards but for a MUCH better deal than simply buying vanilla Destiny and TTK @ $40 aka $60 which is the same price as the Complete Edition. (May as well purchase Collectors)
Now Person 1 has played since Beta and receive emblems for Beta, the Sparrow for the Dark Below and the Quern's Wrath Package for House of Wolves.
So Person 3 now spends $40 for a single DLC and some VIP Rewards that Player 2 was able to receive for repurchasing something a much better deal than Day One continuous player Person 3. Which but the way aren't specified as being "Exotic" like the other Editions.
I'd also like to point out that the "new players need the XP buff" is a load of crap. If Person 1 played on their friends console (let's say Person 3) they could easily reach lv. 30 in a week or two at most.
And the only requirement for the VIP Rewards is that you either have ONE lv. 30 character or both Expansions.
I payed $100 for the game and both expansions (just the Limited Edition, not even the Collectors) and I now have to spend another $40 for a total of $140 that someone who has never played Destiny before is going to get for $60 less.
So in short - price? Not the real issue. The real issue? Where is OUR (us, Beta players, and for PS4 players Alpha players, Day One players and big supporters, where is OUR reward for that? The reward that NO ONE else can receive that makes purchasing the $40 expansion and not wasting another $40 for another copy of the game and its expansions that we can't possibly sell back for the same price we payed, worth it.)
It's not about the community being"self entitled". It's about treating the community that put their faith and money into correctly. And rewarding them for their loyalty. Which I don't feel we are.
[b][u]EDIT 1[/u][/b]: The main focus of this post was to let Guardians be aware that there is a huge discrepancy when comparing Value, Price and Loyalty with the upcoming DLC.
The value for veteran players (aka VIP Rewards) is moot when the ability to EITHER reach lv30 or own both DLC's is a very very simple matter. If the DLC [i]alone[/i] is $40 there should be more incentive to purchase it for players who have been with Destiny since the beginning.
[u]Example[/u]: A good friend of mine (Gamertag: Swagalicious Rex) has - probably - put a 1/10 of the time into the game that I have. And he's already a 34 on one character.
[b][u]EDIT 2[/u][/b]: I am in no way, shape or form discrediting the Bungie team on their ability to create a video game or new content to an already existing game. This is not a bash session on whether or not Bungie is a good developer or not. As a matter of fact I think they're an awesome developer and I am very impressed with Destiny and what it has to offer. Only thing rustling my jimmies is what I have said above.
I'll buy it, I enjoy this game. I think the bigger issue is that the stand alone is $40, the $60 dollar version is $20 more expensive. That means that the game and the first 2 expansions would only cost $20 out of the $60 package. Meanwhile the people who invested heavily when the game launched and thereafter would've looked like they've spent more to get less. I know that as games get older, their value drops, but the $60 and $80 versions would also include "exclusive" content at no extra price while those that have invested early would be missing out on these exclusives unless the pay again for what they already own. I think that in order to make this right, Bungie should give the players of the $40 expansion all added content form the $80 and $60 (therefore no longer exclusive) plus the additions to the already exclusive content to the for being a level 30 or owning the first 2 expansions. I only speak for myself here, don't know if others have a different issue.