So as we know, past-gen consoles such as the 360 and PS3 have to be up-to-date with the current-gen consoles. Why are they considered cancer? Well let me tell ya.
Past gen console users are the reason why we don't have bigger vaults to put our extra weapons, they are the reason why we can't have more then three people in a patrol, and they are also the reason why baby's are born with Down's syndrome.
Those are just three of many reasons why we should consider past-gen users cancerous and stuff. Thank you and have a nice day c:
Edit 1: So apparently some people are offended by the way I used "cancer". In response to this I will do absolutely nothing
Well destiny could release a ps3 and a ps4 version, but they choose not to. I'm saving up for a ps4 anyway.
I don't really wanna pay £400 of money I don't have..... I'm fine with them improving just next gen only but I'm not going to pay a load of money just so I can fit more guns I'll never use into my vault
I hope people relize that this game wad designed for last gen and then ported to current gen
I play on PS3,I love how people keep blaming last gen system, but really don't understand. Funny part is they are not the issue at all. The only way last gen system would be an issue is if we all played on the same sever(ps3 to ps4 or 360 to one). But we don't each have their own sever for each console. They just need to add more vault space or other extra stuff just for newer gen systems and exclude last gen from the update. So if you want more stuff you need to upgrade to new gen. That is the real issue as of right now there is no motivation nothing to want you to upgrade to upgrade to new gen. The only difference I have seen is fast inventory load times lol.
i love ps3, free psn and ps exclusives
What you say is technically true. Last gen places a lot of restriction on the current gen because of older tech and that they're not going to release ywo drastically different versions of Destiny . BUT it just something we have to deal with. Not everyone can afford a nrw grn console. We lucky ones that can shouldn't look down on people just because they are last gen
I had throat cancer once, had to undergo chemotherapy. It ended up being six months of torturous sickness, suffering, and pain. Your comparison disgusts me, you are pathetic.
Wow sorry dude, hate to hear i am a reason for you to be salty I'm also sorry for not having enough money currently to buy a next-gen gaming system. I didn't know that i had to make enough money to buy a ps4 at the age of 18, while i'm about to finish high school and not been able to get a job because of a full-time internship
10/10. Edit 1 is one of the best lines I've seen on this forum. GG
Hit me up on payday 2!
I look at games like skyrim that can have tons of items in a room, and you can pick up or look at or move any item. Yet this is last gen. In my mind the reason for limited vault space is how bungie designed it, not last gen. They could have easily made each category a separate page that you swap between similar to how you have a page for your gear (weapons and armor) and a second page for your inventory on your character.
:3 if you tell that to bungie, they wouldnt give a crap...they would lose half of their players
These VCRs need to stop getting in the way of us enjoying our game.
they will be cancer only of they complain about not being included in "destiny 2" which will be revealed a year from now.
Edited by BaYou_NinJa: 6/25/2015 5:27:30 AMMaybe you will get cancer and than I can call you last gen?
[quote]cancerous and stuff.[/quote] This is where I was convinced you are actually retarded and/or an 11 year old idiot who should stick with board games instead.
wow, love you too bud
I'm 82 as well ;)
You. I like you.
But I have to wait for skyrim to come out on xb1. so for now when ever I contract cancer I'll just go to the temple of Mara
Edited by KrytonikBeast: 6/25/2015 5:19:05 AMBut wasnt this game made for the 360/ps3... so using that logic wouldn't the 1 and ps4 version be the parasitic slim that rode the activision just wants money train
So first of all yes Destiny is not what the community hyped it up to be because of last gen consoles. BUT past gen consoles are the reason Destiny even did as well as it was. The majority of the gaming market is still in the last gen stage so if your going to complain that last gen is fukibg you over in a already very addicting and fun game, then go ahead but do realize if it was not released on past gen not as much money would have been made on this game and the content you would then receive back from playing, such as DLC would have EVEN LESS TO DO. Learn shit before you want to complain cuz I happily play Destiny on both next gen and last gen.
That cancerous previous gen was the longest and one of, if not the best generations of console gaming there has been. You owe your current console to them.
The cancer is your post.
Made my night at work awesome.