So as we know, past-gen consoles such as the 360 and PS3 have to be up-to-date with the current-gen consoles. Why are they considered cancer? Well let me tell ya.
Past gen console users are the reason why we don't have bigger vaults to put our extra weapons, they are the reason why we can't have more then three people in a patrol, and they are also the reason why baby's are born with Down's syndrome.
Those are just three of many reasons why we should consider past-gen users cancerous and stuff. Thank you and have a nice day c:
Edit 1: So apparently some people are offended by the way I used "cancer". In response to this I will do absolutely nothing
I play on 360, and you may not believe me, but I'd be perfectly fine with next gen getting more than I would, it makes sense a more powerful system should be able to support more.
I think if they work on a sequel ( destiny is a 10-year plan after all) I would expect them to have the intelligence to drop past gen. I ain't getting held back by peasants
Vault space issue could be solved easily by adding a scrolling option, or by making each vault terminal contain separate items. Problem solved. Apparently Bungie isn't that smart though.
And how many weapons in your vault do you use? I have about 15 weapons in my vault; and like 10 on each character. If you don't have enough space [b]for the guns you use[/b], then.... Sucks to be you.
LOL. The whole vault space is held back by last-gen is a pure lie. I'm a programmer. I understand computers and game dev. There is no logical reason for vault space to be held back by an older console unless the developers at Bungie are idiots.
Edited by Star Gazer2: 6/25/2015 9:01:12 PMThere are some last gen games that are larger and can still manage a huge storage system.
17 edits and I didn't read any of them.
You bought a cross gen title for your new console. You're holding yourself back!
Well sorry I'm not rich like some people who can afford a ps4 or Xbox one
Hey! If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Slayingold, OP, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?
Well -blam!- you too
Ttk shld be current gen only so this game finally just maybe become what is was supposed to be.
Lmao this post is great, I'm about to upgrade to new gen xbox one soon but whatever the edits are just hilarious
lol the bad dragon tag <3
Yep last gen is just a money grab now for companies.
Not posting a picture of a Corgi was the most egregious thing the OP did (or didn't do, I suppose).
I'm pretty sure if bungie wanted to they could give bigger vault space and other features to next gen. As we've seen throughout destiny they are just lazy and albeit greedy assholes who prey on the weak minded like yourself and all of the 5 yr olds in this community.
Holy sh*t this b8 is one of the best i have ever seen m8. I r8 8/8
Edited by UnderTempo: 6/25/2015 8:46:11 PMI recently picked up ESO, and it is actually great. I haven't played destiny since I got it! Good thing that game isn't on last gen, it would be lagging more than if I used a piece of chicken as a router.
This is some great bait. I almost believed it and made a counter-argument, but instead here's a video with cats.
Never fear dude, by the time Destiny 2 comes out, 360 and PS3 will have been put out to pasture. Here's hoping The Taken King offers us some bigger vault space when it comes out.
This is not Ron Burgundy, but I support this message anyway.
Past-gen is not the reason we don't have more vault issues. It is poor coding.
You almost reached 20 edit XD