1. Witcher's story takes around 100 hours, while destiny's doesn't even talk half of that.
2. The side quests of witcher would take even longer
3. Choices made in witcher affect people, what about destiny?
4. What can you tell me about your characters personality? Or the speakers? Or any character for that matter? Destiny's characters are all 2 dimensional. Making for a bland story.
5. I'm guessing you've played neither, so try to avoid trash talking a game you haven't played.
Judging by how much destiny you have played I'm going to ask you to stfu.
Because I've played destiny means I can't have an opinion on the game? If anything that makes my opinion even more valid. But congrats, that was [i]such [/i] a good argument/comeback.
Thanks I'll be here all day. I have Witcher and it's a very good game but you can't compare a solo rpg to a shooter rpg mmo whatever destiny is. How many friends can you play the wither with? Get my point.
How is destiny an RPG? So little customization
If you acknowledge that witcher is solo, why do you ask how many friends can play with me? That's just just stupid. That's like me saying, "let me know when you can play destiny without Internet access; that makes witcher instantly better." No, I'm just comparing stories because bungies advertised an amazing story