Witcher 3 is literally the worst game I've ever played. For starters, the graphics are not very good. The characters look like ps3 animations. Also, the controls suck and are clunky. Last but not least, that game is by a wide margin the most unbearably boring game I've ever played
Must have played it on console...can't vouch for XBox 1, but looked pretty crappy on PS4. Playing on my PC on high though...try finding a better looking game. Not saying you are wrong...everyone has their own opinions. Might be in minority though.
Im sorry but for the size of the world the witchers graphics are superb. And i have had hours of fun exploring the huge areas of velen and novigrad. Got to skellige and was like oh -blam!- this shit is -blam!-ing huge! Litterally sailing for 15 mins between destinations! The witcher is an absolutely amazing achievement by probably the best game developer out there who love their fans, unlike bungie who used to love and have connection with the community but now are a complete sell out company. I love destiny i want it to be more than it is but the harsh reality is it is nothing short of a grindfest that lacks content and charges players far too much for so little content. I just hope that bungie can turn it around for the next game because it could be amazing.
Great sailing for 15 mins to get somewhere .... Sounds great fun. Oh no it's not
Sailing.. like in a real life can be VERY relaxing experience.. You just watch the scenery, weather change,birds, and all those sounds around you, and all new places (Even under water).. Just beautiful!
Ah u misinterpret, it takes 15 minutes of straight sailing, however there are constant events and stuff in the middle of all of this so you kind of just explore everything from point to point then once the fast travel station is unlocked u never have to sail again if you dont want too.
Lmao im glad someone said something.. 15 min to get somewhere in a game hahahahahahhaha
Graphics not good, and destiny is?
This guy says the Witcher 3s' graphics "are not that good" Lol. Dude, you're off your rocker.