You kinda have to shoot straight to get the 2 main perks to be used...firefly and outlaw
As you have said 'kinda shoot straight', this sums up the average Fatebringer user. I do not 'kinda shoot straight', I shoot straight, and do not need this amateur weapon, to remain effective.
I was proving you wrong...saying FB users don't shoot straight...You have to get headshots Bullets go straight btw until the hit something or ricochet off
Precision is all about quality and quantity, you get neither with Fatebringer.
I was gonna say i bet you're just upset that you dont have a fatebringer, but im more curious as to why you're using field scout with luck in the chamber on your TL. Kinda counter productive
I have Fatebringer. I was only interested in field scout, that was the first roll that I had with it, and I took it.
Exactly, quality of shooing firefly with outlaw...hit it right on the nail
Guardian, I do not even need to look at your statistics, to know that you cannot shoot straight!
Check my ToO on my warlock, 1.68 kd, almost 400 combat rating...I'm sure i can shoot seems to work since my bullets go straight