I understand that the world is run by business, and that money talks, but why does bungie shaft a WHOLE community of players for a year at a time. Coming up in September, us on the Xbox will finally get the strikes and exotics and multiplayer maps that the people on playstation have been enjoying for months or the past year. I
'm excited to finally try the new maps and Hawkmoon and the 4th horseman. Curious about the story from the other strikes, but when I find out that when the Taken King comes out, Playstation gets another exotic and another multiplayer map, (maybe a strike don't know about that) and us xbox folk have to wait another YEAR!?! WHY!?!?
I could understand if it was we have to wait till the next DLC comes out or 3 months or 6 months. But we have to wait till the next Destiny to come out to play them?
I have payed the SAME price as everyone on playstation, I have over 1000 hours on the game, and yet playstation has two extra exotics, two extra multiplayer maps, and two extra strikes. And now we have to go through all this bull again for a WHOLE OTHER YEAR!?
I'm fine with waiting, just a timed exclusive with a year long wait is far too long. Maximum should be a few months. Just like Cod was for playstation. They just had to wait a Month. But then Destiny comes out and you shaft us all with year long waits....two years in a row.
Watch the destiny year one rewind video they show nothing of Xbox gameplay or people buying the Xbox 360 or one destiny AT ALL. They don't even acknowledge that destiny was ever released for Xbox and youtubers who don't play on ps4 will be treated like trash and won't be featured on the video. Bungie used to support Xbox but now they don't at all. But no matter how much you me want to switch over to ps4 bugie I will not and I will continue to play destiny on Xbox.
It's just a few guns and a mission, settle down you're not missing out on that much
Playstation pays more money to Activision so they get more content. Year long exclusivity is not that bad, Microsoft bought in game exclusives for fifa and they're permanen. You should be glad it's not permanent.
Like you said in your post, it's a business decision, and a shïtty one at that (for the customer). Only thing to do is to get the game on ps4 or just move on and forget it
Bungie is not involved in the business side of destiny.
Maybe you should of bought the gaming console instead of the entertainment system.
MS paid over 50 million for over a year long exclusivity for GTA 4 DLC they set the precedent so don't fault Sony for playing the game according to how MS set the rules up. Besides that your point is moot yes you paid the same price and you get access to everything you just get it later. Not to mention the argument could be made that the stuff withheld that Sony paid for might not have existed otherwise had Sony not paid to have it created so you need to thank Sony for your extra DLC instead of going the other direction.
That's BUNGiE's?
Wouldn't fourth horseman come out a year after house of wolves ?