>be me
>be almost 5
>never really had parents
>went around the system for a while
>finally get picked up by some couple
>white, middle class, so thankful
>names were Paul and Jenette
>pretty lucky since most people go for the younger ones
>bring me to their house, get to stay in the basement
>get unpacked, house is huge
> was awesome, finally had a home
>weird at first but light up after seeing how many video games those two had
>gamer mecca I swear
>find out they all belong to their son
>is neckbeard, fag, lives with his parents
>quickly approaching late 20's
>turns out to be pretty cool though
>hooks me up with all his different games
>sega genesis, snes, the works
>turns out P and J are always away though
>end up spending most of my days being watched by neckbeard playing video games
>fast forward ten years
>neckbeard chooses to stop being huge betafag that lives with his parents
>finally gets own place in city
>moves out
>takes Xbox
>c’mon man
>after all these years?
>we were so connected
>comes back for the rest of his stuff
>everyone's down in the basement
>P admits I'd be better off with neckbeard
>says he would love to take me, I'm touched
>but says he got a crappy apartment
>real small
>sadly, no way there was enough room for me
>I was old enough though, I'd be on my way out anyways sooner or later
>still, neckbeard basically just left me in the dark after that
>never knew exactly where he lived
>never even heard from him anymore
>fast forward 5 years
>am almost 21
>still in P and J's basement
>started working again last year
>still no sign of neckbeard though
>one day J's niece calls her up
>bf kicked her out
>parents live on other side of country
>needs a place to stay for a few days
oh yeah..
>she has watched me a couple times
>solid 7.9/10
>c cup jugaloos
>she’s still having trouble after a while
>turns "a few days" into a few weeks
>eventually seems kind of interested in me
>asks P if I work or anything
>says yeah, been working on and off last few years
>she’s interested in me
>lot of her ex bf's were losers, never could hold a job
>she comes downstairs one day
>am not wearing any clothes cause that's how I do
>starts checking me out
>says how big I am compared to all the others she's had
She be J's niece and all, but damn she really turned me on after saying that
>everything's a little fuzzy after that
>next thing I though know she's banging me
super hard
>was raining out
>she was soaking wet from being outside
>was summer though so things couldn't have been hotter
>basically let her do what she wants to me
>she starts getting frustrated though
>try to show her some good stuff but she ain't satisfied
>turns out she is crazy
>throws a remote right at me
>shatters my screen
>mfw I am TV
This may be my last post for a while.
That was awesome.