I know this is a crucial time for the player base. Rare is it, that crying and complaining about locked off content results in both a public apology and that content being separately monetized at a fair price.
I think a lot of you forgot that the CE sold out in 12 hours after it was made available. The fact that
1. The bonus in game content from the CE is now available at what is a seriously reasonable price,
2. Luke Smith was told to publicly apologize ultimately humiliating himself and admitting what a tool he was (that was pretty sweet)
3. And that Bungie did exactly what the players asked them to do in a timely fasion
and, yet there's a large vocal portion of you still throwing tantrums on these forums:
Quite literally, disgusts me.
Get a job. Mow your parents lawn. Stop spending your money on shrooms for a few weeks (cause you'd have to be trippin' to think that $20 is too expensive for what you get), and realize... you're playing a free to play game with regular content and more attention than some monthly subscription games get. You lucky morons.
Edit: I'm going to leave this reply here since I see alot of you idiots saying the same thing about "Cosmetic /= Expansion DURRRR YOU IS DUMB"
If you think that How or TDB were actual expansion in comparison to other online game expansions then you're obviously new to this whole "Online Gaming" thing.
Let me lay some edumacation on you.
World of Warcraft is the prime example of MMO's I think we can all agree it has served well in it's run time. Because it was a subscription based pay to play game in a persistant world, they were able to have small content updates for patches that were free throughout versions of the game until MASSIVE content updates like Burning Crusade/Wrath of the Lich King/Cataclysm were available for purchase in store or digitally. The subscription costs offset the costs of small content patches that were free and yet you'd still end up paying for the Massive content update from the expansion
Since Destiny does not follow a pay to play subscription system, content costs money. it's called capitalism, checks and balances, and the basic principle of supply and demand.
You need to stop treating TDB and HoW as if they were expansions on the level of TTK.
This may be an issue with defining expansion vs DLC but I think I've made my point clearly
I'm just kinda booty tickled that PS3/4 users get exclusives yet againnnnnn
Thank you Capt. Obvious
I love Bungie for making another change that we wanted, and it's a fact that they really listen sure they can't do everything we want some is just not possible some other things will take a longer time. But in the end the community is like a spoiled brat, he was victorious one time laying on the ground screaming cause mother didn't want to buy him that junk food, now he knows and tries it again everytime. Even if Bungie would gift all upcoming DLCs to us, they would still scream to that an ice cream on top of it.
I would happily pay $20 for dlc but as a Brit I'm a lot more bummed out about spending £20 on dlc.
Well said. It's worth every penny they charge.
At the risk of sounding like an arrogant douche, I could wipe my ass with the $20 for the additional content and not miss it. That said, I got to be in that position by being smart with my money. $20 for a few emotes is a joke. Basically they just switched from yelling "-blam!- off" to us in the interview, to sneakily giving us the finger.
My trap boomin so these prices are like .5 cents to me.
The replies I see here are just sad. Destiny fans are the poster children of everything that is wrong with the industry today. "Why bother boycotting, it doesn't help anyway." Really? You guys don't think if you all stood your ground and told Bungie you are not paying extortionist prices they wouldn't cave and use a better pay model? Charging you for content you already own. Hiding content behind the purchase of a product you don't want. Paying for a season pass that is supposed to include 2 Raids then paying for that Raid a second time 6 months later to finally get it. Paying $60 for content that is 1/4 the content of most $20 dlc. Pathetic. I am convinced that you guys are not playing this game for the enjoyment of it. It has become an obsession. An addiction. No way a true gamer would allow themselves to be abused in such a disgusting manor. I don't care how much money you make or how nonchalant you act about pissing it away, you are allowing yourselves to be taken advantage of, like junkies throwing away their dignity to get their fix. The phrase "A fool and his money are soon parted" has never seen a more apt example Not mine copied from another awesome post!
If you enjoy trying to be taken advantage of, then by all means continue to support them. It's your life and your money, do as you please. However, don't blame those with a brain for seeing an obvious problem and disagreeing with it.
"Regular content" lol we've got a retard here mixed with a lemming.
I belive the person who needs to get off the shooms is you TC..20 bucks for few shaders and emotes is nonsense.
[b][u]HoW $20[/u][/b] - New Ships -New Shaders -New Social area -New NPCs -New guns -New Strike -New Armor -New PvE Game Mode -New PvP Game Mode -New Special Weapon -New Factions [b][u]Collectors DLC $20[/u][/b] - 3 new shaders - 3 new items - 3 new emotes You see why I think you are an idiot for posting this now?
I get paid way more than the average wage in the UK I love destiny and have played it a ton £20 for some cosmetics is a joke. it's the same price as entire previous expansions £40 for TTK is a joke. It's the same price (actually more than) the original game on launch day I could afford it. I could also easily afford to buy bottles of coke for £10 a go. I'm not planning on doing either because I'm not an idiot.
[quote] the CE sold out in 12 hours after it was made available. [/quote] The world will never be short of retards & games companies will never have to change their ways.
I'm happy paying the 20 bucks :) well worth my money now instead of buying the 80 dollar version
Ahh, another idiot who simplisticly thinks its about the money, and doesn't realize it has to do with the principle. Bungie's lead designer basically called the player base mindless morons that will throw money at destiny. They apologized for it by treating you like a mindless moron that will throw money at destiny. And you ate it right up.
Have fun supporting the introduction of Micro transactions. Making fun of other people, not realizing you're the one that's being foolish. Not only is this a Micro transaction, it's overpriced as fućk. You're saying it's smart for people to pay $20 (keep in mind that TDB and HoW were $20 a piece as well) for a few cosmetic items ? Really ? And you're going to make a post like this ?
Finally someone with some sense... People don't seem to grasp that the CE bonus content shouldn't really be sold separately, it does kind of lessen the value of the CE IMO and $20 is very reasonable.
It's $60 all together or the price of a new game. ROFL. Nope.
Slight clarification. I work at Sonic and do not want to work OT.
Haha your an idiot if you wasted 20 dollars on 3 new dances 3 emblems and 3 class items
If you do the math, each of the cosmetic item cost $2 each, which is actually pretty average and costs the same as the gunskins from CoD. Yet the people on here either aren't smart to do math or never bought microtransaction stuff.
The price for these couple of things is quite steep. I understand people's frustration about this and the certain fear of what's the next thing they're going to sell as 'exclusive' ingame content. If this will result in Destiny ending up in to some sort of Pay-To-Win game I'm afraid it will be its death sentence. As for now, you still have the option to not buy it without being greatly disadvantaged.
And what next, a thorn nerf and they charge $20 for the next pvp boss weapon.