With all of the Bungie hate going around I have decided to pay for 5 Guardians $20's VIP package. Obviously you must be a year 1 player...
In one sentence state why you should be selected and when the release is out I will send you an PSN or XBOX code for $20's.
There is no catch as I am doing this just to pay it forward...
Before I start getting all this hate/questions of my integrity of if this is true or not. Ask anyone of my clans man of DoubleTapYaHead and they will tell you it's legit. I've bought full games for some of my members because they were down on their luck.
********This is for the $20 add on for the year 1 players********
With all the responses I have decided to select the Guardians as I go. I will announce a winner on the 1st of July, 15th of July, 1st of August and 15th of August.
the underw0rld I have messaged you the code... Good luck Guardian
Don't need the code but good on you its always nice to see the good side of the gaming community. Keep up the awesomeness
Well I think your the best guardian in the game. As now all I've seen is a bunch of a-holes bitching about everything. Would like to play with ya sometime
This guy knows what's up.
Bumping. This will put a tiny dent into the people complaining but kudos.
Thats awesome, thanks.
Don't need it as I bought the CE edition. Thank you for passing it forward.
Edited by Just A Mag: 6/25/2015 4:31:21 PMI didn't get a chance to get the Fallout 4 pipboy edition. Which my birthday is November 10th :/.
This us the best thread to find out why people can't afford or can't justify buying it! Well done sir, by far this is the most informative replies from people about TTK! Bungie assuming these are all truthful, look at your community. This is your community
I don't have the spare income as I once did to buy this expansion as more important duties have arrived (new glasses, car repairs, etc) and would appreciate the help to get the taken king. Of not chosen, then congrats to those who did get it.
Thread is full of cringe.
Not many people are as generous as you, I think I would really benefit from your giveaway because I enjoy destiny and I grind it everyday. I have been struggling with money lately and yesterday when they came out with the price for the VIP I decided I was not going to be able to buy it and this morning I saw this post and now I have hope again. Whatever happens, happens but thanks for the opportunity.
I don't have enough money my family comes first in my house and that means I probably won't be getting it im on Xbox one
It's good to see someone like you doing this, not only are you showing support and generosity but you are also showing what it means for destiny to have players who love the game and it's people. Maybe you will teach Bungie about generosity as well.
Edited by OneTraitLion: 6/25/2015 4:55:29 PMYou are a good person. I think I should have a code because give me it I want one please :) On xbox 360
Edited by Sybrite: 6/25/2015 4:55:13 PMLove what you are doing. Would be great for people to pay it forward more often. My ex wife and I once dropped around 300 to fulfill a service member's wish for he, his wife, and their son to go to Disney while he was on R&R during a deployment through vettix.org. Recommend you check that out as well. Or anyone reading this if you feel like giving. It's a great organization for free tickets for veterans or donations. This past Christmas I bought three playstation 4s for my three brothers and supplied two of them with the season pass. I don't expect rewards in return. They have just been a great part of my life and I wanted to pay that forward to them and so I could play with them since I'm the one living far from home :)
Edited by Yeln: 6/25/2015 4:51:18 PMBeen a bungie follower for 4 years now (can check profile), been playing destiny since just after release once I saved up the money, met a bunch of players, grown my own clan, to help everyone out, and experienced all I can in destiny. I'm a pretty devout player of this game and I would seriously appreciate if I won.
This is great! I hope people come here looking for help and not to hate. In the world we live in money is what everyone wants. Why wouldn't companies try to get more money? If you don't feel it's worth it then dont buy it? Is it really that hard? I don't expect the world to hand me anything. I have a wife with two kids and a full time job and yet I'm still going to save a bit of my money and try and buy the extra stuff. But if my kid needs clothes or army little boy needs a box of diapers then that's what comes first. Everyone needs to remember this is for our entertainment! They do love haveing a dedicated fan base but they don't owe us anything. They made the awesome games for us! We didnt. They created the awesome world's we play in on our free time. I use Destiny to get away from my troubles of being a adult but I still need to be a adult to make the decision of weather this entertainment is worth more to me than a shirt on my back.. Please stop hateing.
Edited by SEC9 ATHENA: 6/25/2015 4:45:43 PMI'm wanting the $20 because I have spent $190 on the game because my game was robbed, and account hacked making me buy everything over again including pass ($35 x2) plus the game ($60 x2). EDIT I'm on Xbox 360
This is a nice gesture but on the long run, does more damage than it does good. Because the point of people's complaints has little to do with money but more to do with integrity. Integrity can never be fulfilled by $20, I make a good salary and have more than enough to buy all the DLCs in the world, but when it comes down to it...I don't want to be treated like a fool.
I'll sign it. Thanks in advance of I'm chosen.
This is a cool thing you're doing man. Personally I'm getting burned out on destiny but getting the new expansion would make it feel fresh again and get me playing. Even though my friends have given up on the game.
I am broke and need to pay for Internet, Xbox Live, beer, and hookers.
Hello, I am an veteran in the us Army. When I retired, I did not have enough money to get by. I'm in lots of debt and I can only just pay them. So in my case, £20 is a lot. Thank you.
Good on you, my friend. Put me in the running please.
I'm a real cool cat
Before I get started I just want to say I love what you are doing, and I wish I could afford to do this. Even though its just a video game, the idea of helping people who are less fortunate is awesome. I'm a poor student only able to go to college because of G.I. Bill which pays barely enough to pay my bills. I am over 15,000 in debt because of a botched shoulder surgery from an injury I got while in the Army, that left my right shoulder almost entirely useless because of how long it took to get the surgery which was 2 years after I injured it, because the Army claimed nothing was wrong until 6 weeks before my enlistment was up. My insurance claimed the surgery was an elective surgery even though the surgeons told them that I had to have the surgery. I am now looking at having to have surgery on both my left shoulder and my neck because of the fact I can only lift with my left side, which has torn my cartilage and tendons in my left shoulder, which will probably put me 15-30,000 dollars more in debt. Because of this I am classified as a disabled Veteran, and I can't find a job currently because of the fact that most jobs I can get at this moment require being able to lift 50+ pounds, which I cannot do. So with the little money I do make I pay for bills and my 2 year old daughters school, which is more important than games.